Kapaclaw, I would suggest you get into something that you enjoy... it really just sounds like you don't have any wind in your sails. Girls?.. don't be so caught up in your looks. Any good girl will admire your brain and personality more than your looks. If you show them confidence they will react way better than you would ever expect. Women are turned off by insecurities. They also love sense of humor. Just try to be happy man, all we have in life is the pursuit of happiness. That's it. Everything else doesn't really matter. Check out the book, THE POWER OF NOW by Eckhart Tolle. It's pretty spiritual and deep but excellent inspirational reading for anyone. Check it out and take my advice. I've been through crazy things in my life but I speak the truth. Just get into something you enjoy and everything else will fall into place. You're young and have your whole life ahead of you. Go for it, start today, not tomorrow!! Peace