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  1. #11
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2016
    So, Trump's recent "arms race" comments have set me off into a nuclear panic. I am now convinced many of us will die in an upcoming nuclear war with China or Russia. He's insane. He surrounds himself with insane people. I cry often over this. As I said in an earlier post, I live about a dozen miles from Washington D.C. and would surely perish in a nuclear attack.

    I don't want to die! I'm not even 30 yet. I have nightmares every night about death and nuclear war. Last night, my wife said I was talking in my sleep about it. I had a vivid dream that we were taking shelter from a nuclear bomb. I saw it very clearly -- the missile falling to earth against the blue sky.

    Sorry. I hope this post doesn't make anyone else panic, especially on Christmas Eve. It just helps to get these feelings out.

  2. #12
    I think you're worrying about nothing. There are too many checks and balances in place to allow any US President to send us into a nuclear war. China wants no part of a war with the US. Their economy depends on the US too much. As for the arms race, I see it as "sabre rattling" and very little more. I would be far more concerned about a nuclear Iran than any potential US vs China/Russia scenario.

  3. #13
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2016
    I sure hope so. I know we're closer to nuclear disaster, accidental or otherwise, than at any time in recent history. I hope we're alive to celebrate Christmas Eve for years to come.

  4. #14
    I was in elementary school during the Cuban missile crisis. We had air raid drills, people were building bomb shelters in their yards, there was a lot of fear. My dad was a naval reservist and we were certain he would be called up. I understand your fear. But there have been scary times in the past, and there will be in the future. We have a lot more Christmas Eves in us. You more than me. Peace.

  5. #15
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by jenkyleg View Post
    So, Trump's recent "arms race" comments have set me off into a nuclear panic. I am now convinced many of us will die in an upcoming nuclear war with China or Russia. He's insane. He surrounds himself with insane people. I cry often over this. As I said in an earlier post, I live about a dozen miles from Washington D.C. and would surely perish in a nuclear attack.

    I don't want to die! I'm not even 30 yet. I have nightmares every night about death and nuclear war. Last night, my wife said I was talking in my sleep about it. I had a vivid dream that we were taking shelter from a nuclear bomb. I saw it very clearly -- the missile falling to earth against the blue sky.

    Sorry. I hope this post doesn't make anyone else panic, especially on Christmas Eve. It just helps to get these feelings out.
    Hey don't worry about it.

    First of all, I can 100% guarantee if we go to war with anyone, it wont be Russia. Trump is a huge admirer of Putin's, and there is very strong evidence that Putin was behind the hacking of the DNC's emails which led to Hillary losing the election (Which is horrifying for other reasons, but not world ending horrible, at least not yet).

    As for China, that's a bit more iffy considering Trump seems bound and determine to piss them off. But China probably doesn't want a nuclear war anymore than anyone (especially since they would probably lose such an exchange badly), its more likely they will just stop trading with us, which will likely wreck our economy.

    I would be lying if I said I wasn't worrying about all the Trump stuff, but I had a talk with my dad the other day that reassured me: There are still Democrats on the hill who are gonna stand up to Trump and will keep him from going too far, so he's not gonna become a dictator or rob us blind and head off to Tahiti, and the main thing is you shouldn't worry about things you have no control over.

    In any case, if you are feeling nervous and want to do something, there are movements underway to attempt to shut Trump down. Its called Indivisible and basically its the idea to use the same tactics that the Tea Party used against the Obama Administration to keep him from doing any change. I'm not gonna link because I don't know this boards policies on politics yet and I don't want to step on any toes, but if you google "Indivisible guide" you'll find it.

  6. #16
    Welcome Jenkyleg

    Watching this will reassure you that trump is a safer pick than Hillary when it comes to a potential ww3


  7. #17
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2016
    Hi, im from England and like most people with anxiety your over thinking which is hard to shut off. I dont like a lot of the things the USA do but I think Trump is better than Clinton. I don't think any of the big nuclear powers are that stupid to much to lose . like someone said it would be someone smaller or, terrorists. Just my opinon . Happy Holidays

  8. #18
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2016
    Thanks for the responses, folks. Hope you all had a happy holiday!

    I'm not worried Trump will launch a first strike (though, hey, he's said he wants to hit ISIS with a nuke), I'm mostly just afraid eventually Trump will push someone too far and turn a small diplomatic incident into a big one, leading to a war. Then, that war could turn nuclear. I guess China has less long range nukes than Russia, but.... still terrifying. I genuinely worry Trump could end us before his four years are up.

    Don't forget -- Putin probably doesn't give a hoot about Trump and is just waiting to double cross him. If he uses Trump's inexperience and invades a country in the baltics... World War III, anyone?
    Last edited by jenkyleg; 12-26-2016 at 08:49 PM.

  9. #19
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2016
    Had another freakout tonight related to these two Trump tweets:

    "North Korea just stated that it is in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the U.S. It won't happen!"

    "China has been taking out massive amounts of money & wealth from the U.S. in totally one-sided trade, but won't help with North Korea. Nice!"

    Can you imagine Trump at the helm during the Cuban Missile Crisis? Because it feels like we're headed that way soon, only with China and North Korea vs. the U.S.A.

    I feel like this is the year we all die. Anyone else feel that way right now, too?

  10. #20
    I don't. Trump would have reacted very much like Kennedy. Kennedy put a naval blockade around Cuba, stopping and inspecting Soviet vessels headed to Cuban ports. He also demanded that Krushev removal all nuclear weapons from the island. Keeping nuclear ICBM's away from North Korea is the right thing to do. I figure South Korea or Japan would most likely take them out before we did. As for the trade deficit/North Korea comment, it sounds as if he's shaming them for their aggressive one sided trade tactics, and for their refusal to reign in their pet dictator who is threatening the very countries China depends on for trade. I feel you're worrying over nothing.



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