Four years ago I had a very violent adverse reaction to the medication Cymbalta. I came to my doctor six months into starting this drug with complaints of dry skin and hair, involuntary weight loss, 2 missed periods, and mental confusion. I foolishly took her advice to double my dose (I started with 30mg) as she assured me that what I was describing was due only to stress. Not long after doing this I was a physical wreck. I convulsed, vomited, felt as though my heart was going to explode, and experienced an unrelenting sensation of pure terror and panic. I tried to stop the medication, but found that this only made the symptoms worse. I attempted to compromise with my body by taking as little as possible--just enough to keep the withdrawals at bay, but not enough to send me over the edge again. Well, it would seem that there was no real way body continued to fall apart anyway. I have been living ever since with yellow, dry as a bone skin (I look 15 years older than I did before), dry hair with massive fallout, cognitive impairment (MAJOR), unrelenting exhaustion, food and chemical sensitivities, insomnia, and crippling panic spells.

Needless to say I am a mess. EVERYTHING (seemingly) causes my brain and body to flip out. Getting to the point where, to be honest, contemplating suicide is my greatest comfort. If anyone else has had their life destroyed over a "medication" I would love to hear from you.....