Aromatherapy. it’s a funny thing smell. When I am stressed and I walk into a room that has a aromatic smell (not these ghastly room sprays) I immediately notice my solar plexus relaxing, the constant churning in my solar plexus (anxiety) just leaves.

When I get over anxious I actually get what I call stress sweats. High cortisone levels I imagine, think its called adrenal exhaustion. So yes it is stinky and highly unpleasant 

so yes pure essential oil do ease anxiety symptoms something like lemon balm is good and i find rose very nice and rosewood to name a few. have a look on aromatherapy sites for guidance for the smell o vision!! on how to use.

DONT ever put pure essential oil onto your skin there are just 2 that you can do that with. but i would encourage you to have a look on a aromatherapy site

for me i burn essential oils in a little burner these also are on the site i would imagine. remember never leave them unattended if you do use an oil burner.

in the new year i reckon i am going to treat myself to an aromatherapy massage. but its finding a good one!!