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Thread: Dental Phobia

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    NM, USA

    Exclamation Dental Phobia

    Hi everyone.

    I'm struggling right now with Dental Phobia. I've had this since I was a young child and now as an adult, it's gotten to the point where I can't manage it anymore.

    For years I've been forcing myself to go to the dentist to get my regular check ups and cleanings. Now I'm at the point where even a simple cleaning appointment or check up makes me extremely anxious and fearful.

    I've had a lot of problems with my teeth over the years and it's only getting worse. I've had more cavities filled than I can count. I've had 4 root canals in my life and one of them was only a couple of weeks ago. Also dealing with adult braces which are almost ready to come off after 3 1/2 years.

    My anxiety and phobia is way out of control now. Just getting a toothache or thinking about going to the dentist disrupts my life. I'm loosing sleep, having nightmares and I've started having flashbacks about past dental visits.

    I finally made the decision to start seeing a sedation dentist who uses nitrous oxide. I was up front with them when I made the appointment on the phone and told them about my anxiety and phobia and the severity. This new patient appointment is in a few days, this coming Tuesday, and I'm already nervous about it.

    I know I need to have some restorative work done on my teeth soon, as I now have 3 teeth that have had root canals that need to get crowns. The catch is I have to wait until I get my braces off to get the crowns. I'm getting increasingly nervous about the procedure as I know nothing about it and I'm starting to worry about the amount of time that has passed since getting the root canals. Two of the teeth had the work done about a year and a half ago.

    So, I'm just really trying to find a way to deal with all of this. I really hope the nitrous oxide helps me, because if it doesn't I don't know what I'll do. I'm planning to get some therapy for my phobia at some point, but can't currently due to financial issues.

    This has all just gotten out of hand. The last time I went to the dentist I nearly cried.

    Dental appointments are also difficult for me due to TMJ problems/pain and that I'm hard to numb for dental work. This has led to a fear of needles/injections.

    Any advice or comments would be great. I just really need help coping with this.


    Last edited by sfchristiangirl; 07-11-2015 at 09:50 AM.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    North yorkshire


    Hi. I was just wondering if you know what started the phobia off with the dentist? I fear the dentist but that because I've never had problems with my teeth so I don't know what they do or anything. But now I have problems so they removing wisdom teeth and putting fillings in.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vikki Long View Post
    Hi. I was just wondering if you know what started the phobia off with the dentist? I fear the dentist but that because I've never had problems with my teeth so I don't know what they do or anything. But now I have problems so they removing wisdom teeth and putting fillings in.
    Hi Vikki.

    Thanks for replying.

    I haven't been able to pin down a specific event that started the phobia. I think it's a combination of things and it has gotten worse over the years. I'm now 28 and have had dental problems most of my life.

    I do remember having more than one dentist who were kind of rough when they treated me. I'm not sure why, but they weren't gentle. Both were male dentists.

    The dental work I've had later in life I can pin down to specific events. I think that's where the flash backs are coming from. Those were just ordinary procedures that were difficult for me. It's hard for me to get and stay numb, so I often have pain during a procedure and then need another shot. Part of it was these root canal procedures. I'm sure the procedure is no fun for anyone, but it's especially hard for me due to TMJ problems/pain and the fact that I'm hard to numb.

    Have you had any of this work done yet? How nervous do you get?

    I've had my wisdom teeth out, but I was under general anesthesia for mine. I had all 4 out plus 4 others at the same time and there was no way I could've done that awake. I'm not sure how severe your phobia anxiety is.

    Fillings are relatively simple and short procedures. I have had a couple of problems having teeth filled, but that was due to the fact that they were deep cavities.

    Good luck with everything.

    Keep us posted.


  4. #4
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    Sorry. That reply got posted twice by accident.


  5. #5
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    Hi all.

    Thanks for the replies.

    Just a quick update here.

    I have my new patient appointment tomorrow with the sedation dentist. I'm so nervous and anxious and fearful. Just the idea of going into a dentist's office is overwhelming right now. I'm going to meet a new staff and doctor and I'm just nervous. I don't know how else to explain it.

    I just know once I get in that office my mind is going to go blank. I'm going to forget any questions or concerns I have. I can't think clearly when I'm in a dentist office.

    I know it's a routine appointment, but I'm terrified.

    What's wrong with me?

    I need help.

    Thanks for listening.


  6. #6
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    Sending good thoughts your way. I've always been very nervous when it comes to doctors and dentists so I totally understand the anxiety that you are feeling. I just saw a new psych last week and was a wreck the entire day.

    Since you think your mind might go blank perhaps you should jot down your questions and concerns on a sheet of paper and take it with you. That way if your mind goes blank when you get to the office you have something to jog your memory. I try to do that every time that I go to the doctor or psych because when I get anxious my mind goes blank too.

    Hope that the new patient appointment goes well. Let us know how it goes.

  7. #7
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    Thank you for the replies and support. The appointment is in a few hours. I'll give you an update afterwards.

  8. #8
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    Hi everyone.

    Thanks again for your replies and support.

    Well, I'd say the appointment went good and bad. It felt mostly bad for me.

    I was extremely nervous, anxious and fearful the whole time. They took a complete set of dental x-rays and dental pictures first. That was with a female dental assistant.

    Then she left and came back with a female dental hygenist. She did a thorough periondontal check which is checking for gum disease.

    Then they left and came back with the dentist and another lady. I think they called her the patient care coordinator. She handles scheduling appointments and telling you about the costs of different things.

    The dentist did a full dental exam and check up.

    There are so many problems with my teeth. I don't know where to begin.

    I have 4 teeth that have had root canals that need crowns, once I get the braces off in a month or so. I must have had one awhile back that I forgot about. I thought I only needed 3.

    I have at least 3 teeth showing signs of resorption. This is an auto-immune disease and from what the doctor told me, has been aggravated by my braces. He said my orthodontist is moving the teeth too fast and aggressively and it's damaging my teeth. I had a suspicion about the braces causing problems before, but now I know for sure.

    The resorption is bad because those teeth will eventually need some work done on them. It's not reversible. The treatment is a lot of watching and waiting. They may need root canals eventually and sometimes the teeth need to be extracted and replaced with implants. It varies on a case to case basis.

    I also have another tooth that needs a filling. I think it's just one, but I don't remember for sure.

    I got really nervous while the hygenist was doing the periodontal check. I knew that I had signs of pre-gingivitis, but now I actually have gingivitis. It's an inflammation of the gums and can cause periodontal disease eventually if not taken care of. It can be cured by a deep cleaning. That's why my gums have been bleeding.

    That was the bad news. The good news is that now I now and can get these things treated.

    The good news also, is that I can get these done in 2 long appointments with nitrous oxide. It's about 5 hours of work total, but I can't do it all at once due to my jaw problems and pain. They said I could, but I'm not going to risk getting that aggravated again.

    So, I'm going to do the deep cleaning and the cavity filling in one 2 hour appointment in a week. It'll be July 21st with nitrous oxide.

    The office put me into an emergency slot. Due to the gingivitis it's an urgent thing and they want to see me right away.

    After I get the braces off in a month or so, I'll get my 4 crowns put on all at once. That'll be a 3 hour appointment also with nitrous oxide, but I have to get the braces off first before the work can be done.

    At some other time once the braces are off, I'll get another evaluation/exam done. They want to check again and make sure there were no problems that the braces are hiding.

    I'm still feeling really nervous, fearful and anxious, especially now that I know I need all this done.

    It's a new office and I'm still not sure whether I'll be able to trust the doctor. I hope that over time I can learn to trust him.

    I think that's all for the update for now.





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