I take Wellbutrin,(300mg) daily, and a caffeine supplament to curb me old appetite too. Anyhow, I still feel so sluggish, even after those 2 every morning. I feel terrible going to work and not feeling energetic enough. I've even been on speed in the past for my weight loss and depression, and still that didn't even help. What is my problem? Is it that my fibroids are taking all my iron from my red blood cells and leaving me feel daily as though I have just donated blood? I just want more energy. I am upping my caffeine supplament again until I feel that I have more energy. I want to work Mon-Fri but I can usually only make it through about 3 days a week w/o crashing on exhaustion. I also have a tad of asthma inspired by dust, mold, and from being startled or too emotional over something.....My weight is not even a reflection of someone on diet supplaments daily, either. I am 40 lbs overweight and totally hate myself for it. I exercise, I eat right, I take vitamins, but I dont swim daily like I was accustomed to when I had lost 65 lbs. There are no quality indoor pools round here that respect the visually impaired swimmer and put up lane dividers. So therefore, I have no pool to swim at currently. I so very much miss my daily swim. Hopefully in the spring I will go lap swimming at a local outdoor pool, w/ lane dividers, and be ok...