What did I do???????????? so he is back? Are you scared people?
The reason of this forum is support and support. We share our stories and it helps, it does help me.
Ponders posts are never directed at anyone and I bet not intended to insult. His stories are fantastic and I am big fan of his. The true is when Ponder posts you need to read once, take a break and read second time. Then you know what he is talking about. His fight with anxiety and depression is so inspiring I got up and started to fight with it.

Artrud (is is going to become a symbol) is a complete opposite of that.
Even I (sweet Dahila hehehe ) may hurt someone when I post, sometimes I got kind of irritated when people whine, and post the same threads, not reading the answers. Not many threads are left with original poster post only. Oh my writing skills develop like 4 years old......
I need something in my signature that would explain my difficulties of expressing myself. Any Ideas?