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  1. #1
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    BEYOND BRETHING - Understadning the process.

    I'd like to share a link from a Guru that I consider genuine in his attempt to help others. I admit that I do not like the hype and programing associated with AKA "concepts" however I do gleen much from this man.

    The following is Titled "When Anxiety & Fear arises; A Powerful Way to Enter the Present"

    It's just a 6 minute segment from a larger piece. For me, I get a lot more than just how to enter the present, because I have read much much more material from this guy. I'm a sensory guy and when it comes to being present, I can assimilate huge amounts of what is going on around me, yet feel much peace in doing that having practiced much of what the presenter is talking about. (If I don't, it all becomes loud static)

    No doubt I have my moments and currently going through some stress now - but by going over these principles I always seem to ground myself. For me it's so much more than the breathing, I really like to understand how all this kind of thing works, how the mind works and how surrendering works, how to become the observer and let go of the fear - ANXIETY - how to stop feeding the anxiety and how to just See it without labeling it or assessing - how to stop fussing of it, projecting and playing it out, how to see it for what it is and also to just accept how I am feeling about it -

    To stand or sit without fear whilst all else is falling apart - yet to have the ability to avoid those crashing issues because one no longer feeds into it, but sees where to step and can slowly make their way out of the building out into safety.

    Well, that's how this stuff is able to make me avoid the crowds and keep walking. I may not participate - but for me, that's being free.

  2. #2
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    I think some people don't like the message because it's a rude awaking to the Ego/The thinking mind - The useless thinking. In that sense it is not uncommon the "we" tend to cling to our pain. We have been feeding the ego for so long, that we have made ourselves dependant by doing so. The idea of letting go - tends to upset the mind all the more - so whilst at first it can be easy to breath - the technique does not work until people understand how it is that the mind seeks to control in the first place.

    It's why despite knowing this stuff, my mind still takes control in many of my posts. I accept that - hopefully sharing this will help me get back on track.

    Take care - dinner time. ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    Last edited by Ponder; 01-03-2014 at 02:02 AM.

  3. #3
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    Unfortunately the video is not longer available. I know this stuff too and I have not control over my thoughts without the meds... sad
    I need to change it.

  4. #4
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    Well Well - such positive information now no longer available. Not exactly funny how they do that - and it's why I love TORRENTS! pffffft - is it not pathetic how they try and sell information with sign ups and such wonderful affiliations that spread the news, but yet -> for a price - but wait, there is more - keep reading - la la laaaaaaaaaa

    I understand what you mean well about the med - No one responds to me when I talk about such reliance. I am seen as Mr Anti Meds - but it's not like that at all or how I aim to be Dahila. People Hide from the truth - just like the stories of White Lies in the Depression Section. Hmmmmmmmm I am kind of pissed of today with the "no longer available or once public but now private video - and also how we all keep creating BS thoughts in our head with no one wanting to talk about how we BS ourselves like so.

    I go see if I can find relevant information on the subject of this thread - Far be it for someone to silence me .............
    Last edited by Ponder; 01-03-2014 at 02:19 PM.

  5. #5
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    My wife is saying it is Echkat Tolle that has taken the video off because I linked it in here? There is a Money Making Venture called Echart TV as well.

    I don't't think it was him personally, however I think I am starting to lose HOPE in anything these humans are saying with so much emphasis tied to the Currency side of things. Fuck it! He must be full of shit too! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    Yes it's anger now, and yes that's related to fear - fear of living in a world that preaches one thing only to drop you like a brick because one is not signed up. What fucking BS is that! Hey - explain that fucking shit! Just like that Christian Advice - fucking sign up here!

    Not feeling well now at all. What the fuck is one suppose to do, follow the lead of more Bullshitters - Sure the advice is solid, but how fucking dare they make it available for such a cost and also again the bullshit plastic audiences LOL - this or that famous actor telling us because it is, that we shall all bow fucking down as well. How much more of a fucked up world can we live in. . hmmmmmmmm

    It's like they are just sharing this stuff so they can cope with living with thier comforts while the rest suffer and that is just a case of fucking IS - well fuck them and their deception and corrupt ways - they can preach the shit that works - but as long as the copywrite it - be asured these people add to the problems as well.

    Thanks a fucking lot! Praise be to Jesus - sign up here! Thanks Echkart - nice to know your true colors mate. Other think him to be the Antichrist, funny how I like what he has to say, but now hate the prick because obviously he is in it for the money. That shit is what is going to fucking kill me. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr fucking Cunts! I can see now, The only thing he is aware of ,is obviously money - leading people on to drop them in such a way.

    OK I go be mindful now.

    I will further no doubt make reference to his teaching, but not so much the charlatan .
    Last edited by Ponder; 01-03-2014 at 02:53 PM.

  6. #6
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    what can I say - srry for the outburst - had a good 10-20 minute break.

    Honestly, there should be some things in life that are not allowed to be sold. This stuff is like my medicine to me, and whilst I am capable of suddenly being pissed off, the truth is that much of this information that is Sold and Profited from does work with those willing to sift through it all.

    Takes a deep breath - it's just a shame that for the poorer mentally ill types that are unable to access this information without paying for it - that the actually handing out of it then withdrawing it, is rather detrimental in itself. Not unlike what drug dealers do. Perhaps we need a how to guide on sourcing self help guides - I pretty much have done good with that, but obviously still get riled just at the though knowing how hard it is for others. Add to that the deception of motive with profit over the message given and ... well that kinds of taints the whole message. Bit like how the bottom dropped out of Christianity for me. All resultant resentments currently being worked on, and perhaps some day when I can string my word right within a mindful zone, I could attempt to present something of benefit myself without all the deception of "here is the answer - it's in a little box locked up deep within you - listen up, I have the key ..........."

    You get the picture.

    You know -There is a lot of good information in metaphysics as well, however that too - is for a price! The problem with so much information available on the internet today is that greed that comes with it. The other problem is the miss interpretation from that can happen when trying to sift through partial information that more sells itself than it does give relevant information to it's titles. This can happen to me in my own posts because I am still processing much of the deception as well as also having to sort between different topics such as mindfulness, metaphysics, basic mental illness concepts, spiritualism, holistic healing, and on and on and on -

    It's hard enough trying to differentiate between the wide array of concepts and see how they gell together as if some kind of scientist looking for an equation that sums up our existence in once easily understood paragraph and or sentence. LOL - nice thought - but it does seem to happen along the way as one finds themselves simply typing rather than thinking. Point is -> imagine just how much harder this is to do with information that is given as a taste, wrapped in an ongoing email with all kinds of insights that lead no where till you hit the sign up link and hand over those numbers. Decoding that is extremely hard and will have you running in circles to the point, like in my above reactive posts, will lead to further blindness.

    What is one to do -> More Over -> This is the battle, but more so a concentrated effort on me trying to get well with out relying solely on my meds.
    It's not about NOT taking meds - but more defining how to live in a fucked up world - despite how one may attain to seek whatever perceptions and yes - changing perceptions or seeking to understand them is the quest of seeking such information - but be aware to only take pills and ride on that facilitated transformation from one day to the next, is not enough. The pills brought me back from the brink of borderline paranoia - but as mentioned in my rather alienated medication thread - they only go so far and in fact reach a point in which such tools will tip to digging our holes instead.

    Alas - my pouring thoughts as they spill out may make no sense, but to me - they are everything as I learn the art of letting what has happened come back again with reenactment and go again - hence I see no point in deleting what I write yet appreciate learning to let it spill as it might.
    __________________________________________________ ____

    Righto , I think that balances out for now -
    I take this as a route to check out Jon Kabat Zin - or move onto some other source worth tapping. This is nothing more than a wake up call to the reality of information being nothing more than yet another commodity. My outburst is nothing more than what it is.

    Back on track - maybe I should attempt to write a book like Lee -> God Forbid. Again - you know me - I can't help but let too much out. A book would perhaps help me fine tune and bring together all those concepts into some kind of guide to pass around - If only I could deliver with what I know is on the tips of all out tongues - but do so in a way that has us all sharing so effectively for FREE!

    I only wish I could spill it out more effectively.

    Have a good day all - today I SWEAT SOME MORE! The purging is great!
    Last edited by Ponder; 01-03-2014 at 03:54 PM.

  7. #7
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    Dave you can not do anything, you know the vultures feed on weak, and sick..... I do not want to talk about it but this whole system I live in is pissing me off. I am actually happy I do not have left that much time. There are moments that I feel like shooting myself. Good I do not have gun...
    Even the buddyst sites are paid ... nothing holy in this world anymore...

  8. #8
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    Hey Ponder

    Haven't posted in the depression section much since tailspin stopped coming and Dahila begun talking in the regular section of the forum. I've been keeping an eye on all the posts though. Hope the changes you're making get you to a healthier place.

    About the Eckhart Tolle money making thing. One wonders what an egoless man needs with much money. Why surely lots of money is an ego thing, and that's against the teachings of the book?

    Or perhaps he has advisors leading him astray, in which case, being an egoless being makes you a pushover and doesn't appear as an attractive idea as first thought

    *Sigh* maybe it's another case of 'Do as I say... Not as I do'

    It reminds me a lot of that George Carlin stand up sketch, where he talks about the church. R.I.P.

    God loves you, cares about you, has a plan for you, and always watches over you - BUT HE NEEDS MONEY!

    Last edited by jessed03; 01-04-2014 at 12:11 AM.

  9. #9
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    Thank Goodness you can see it too! Yes I saw that as well. We have a multicultural Buddhist centre here in town - I use to think was only western influenced ones that had sign up fee - but I think some more of the traditional ones are also going the way of money too. It's a hard one to swallow and or perceive.

    Please talk openly with me Dahila as I'm aiming to make some good out of this. Have a spat - I DID! But I am now feeling much better, although I am sorry if I triggered you badly - My apologies.

    So what can we do to make it better

    I will make a post later on FREE HELP - honestly a guide needs to be made. It really is frustrating to hear the reasoning many would be helpers give in order to make their profits. Indeed it very much taints and demeans words that would otherwise carry so much more meaning for us - the very deception in making a living off, the suffering - reveals and exacerbates much of the distrust in those in most need. I guess you have heard it all before with the reasoning of how our perceptions are the ones that need altering, in order to see why it is, that they must charge as they do.

    Not sure if you have heard of Cristene Breese UMS - University of Metaphysical Science. I guess one could say she is trying to spread the healing at a low a cost as possible - and YES - that is highly advertised - BUT - I am not sure I buy it. So many people getting into Holistic Healing more to make money than anything else. The advert goes like Planet Earth is undergoing a shift -> Humanity will be in need of spiritualist teachers, perhaps YOU - and on from there - then comes all the courses and how one can make a living. BANG! There it is for me - Make a Living?

    About 10 years ago, I have been following some of these would be healing concepts - possibly more intensively the last 8 years. I have seen some of these people start small, then overtime grow into larger organisation that add some cost. NOW I will admit, those who have something to give - may ask for donations in order to provide a more accessible service, however nearly all I have seen start out like that, end up asking for more and more along the way - What takes the cake for me, is when I start reading Bogas Testimonials - Tainted Adverts slipping in (Big One that shows commercialism coming in) and you might even have warning bells like me on other things -

    It's such a shame - It's hard to live with something you thought was genuine and also worked of one, to discover how some people go the way of justifying cost. I'm not sure on this Christine Breese, she does seem genuine - but so charming some people can be! I mean - once the stuff is printed out , and I calculate budget photocopying with international postage - hhhhmmmmmmmmmm - online assist (which who knows how brief - then I guess the amount of participants would be a lot - OK - I get that this well meaning lady might be actually offering something that might help. Still though, I cant help but feel a little prickly about people adopting this kind of thing in order to make a living - Yet making a living is a perception that kind of goes against the so called shift that is suppose to be taking place.............or is it?

    I have seroiusly considered almost taking on the course, however feel I could just about gain 90% of the information online - Interesting though how it all comes down to "credentials" when authors spat there stuff. In regard to that - all I can say, is that I have found some interesting E-Book publishers very gifted at sharing without brandishing a thing on PHDs, doctrines, degrees and all that - I think this is the way the planet needs to go. Back to the days, when a person worth was with what they had to share, not what the credentials say. Hell - we now have child like doctors running around our hospitals handing out bad advice and medicine. Most got there because of their well adjusted upbringing and special education - yet they are just as sick with even more so bigger EGOs that also justify their highly paid positions.

    Todays rush rush and over populated position plus typical complacency sees the children making mal practice common place. That makes me sick! The same too, can definitely be said with mental health - physiatrists are Hugely Over rated and over paid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But such it is in a world that hordes it rewards and does not believe in sharing. Nobody wants to talk about the truth because it makes them feel like they wish they were dead. - I'd rather speak the truth with 2 or 3, and let others come on in like all knowing sheep and bagger away - Oh the triggers they say - Hell, I am quite capable of respecting others threads - I believe I have proven that for the most part - but come on - tell it as you see it. We are not in these places because we are well!
    Ramble ramble ramble ---------------
    __________________________________________________ ____________________________________________
    More on what you say about the Buddhist thing -

    Have you access to a mobile device - I use something on Android called Tune In Radio - on it I will search for Buddha and mindfulness podcasts. So much SHIT comes up with adds and western doctors cashing in - you know how it goes - but here is one, that I have found not so bad.

    "Free Dharma for a Free Planet" LOL I just made it to the Home page of Radio Buddha & on it is like a shrine with a page full of Gurus. I laugh because to me that plays into the worship mentality - man - oh - man - as long as it keeps the westerners happy I guess - anyway, I change my perspective as all you need to know, what works for me - is to filter through the blindsidedness - my own and the BS as it is -

    What I am looking for comes under the heading:

    is click on or search for "Buddhist Talk"

    But what you want to find to cut through the shit - is "Audio Dharma"

    FOUND IT online for you - although I use internet radio in my kitchen:


    OK Is that OK - Is that OK for me to share with my friend - not going to close the site down or make it inaccessible now ...HEY HEY???? Can we plebs listen too...hey hey .....arrrrrrrrrrrrr LOL - who knows - maybe the Christians are watching and don't want the demons to start flying

    Australian Self Help forums are shocking for stuff like that- Like dam republicans on heat preaching from the pulpit! LOL - Praise be - Praise be.

    Anyways - Long story short - Seems to be some good talks by a number of different presenters I have come across on the internet at other sites. No audience to distract - bar the odd laughter that makes me reminisce of church sheep - LOL - sorry I was blessed with a special perception - I am sure the doctors have a symptomatic name for such a trait. haha haha

    Seriously - there is actually a good episode on "perceptions" also mindfulness and much much relevant issues to this forum than most would care to know. Some good stuff on embracing suffering and how to learn from it. I know you once said to me that there is not much one can learn from suffering, however this is about looking at our own suffering and learning from it. A little different to wishing others bad experiences so that they might learn.

    Hmmmmmm - I look one more time at the episodes:
    Luminous mind is a good one -

    dam it, I cant find the one I mean - point is - if you like buddist stuff - this is not a bad break down. John Kabit Zin speaks somewhere in all this - I think on the Relax one.

    Anyways Dahila - I DONT KNOW - but I love SHARING -

    You know I am a bit screwy - but I mean no harm - let me give you friendly hug again - cause I am so glad you popped in.
    Last edited by Ponder; 01-04-2014 at 12:51 AM.

  10. #10
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    Sorry Jesse, I completely missed your post - sorry about that - reading now - but maybe answer later after tea.

    Just off the top of my head - it's not so much the message, but how those that hold the crumbs, dish them out.
    Last edited by Ponder; 01-04-2014 at 02:25 AM.



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