Today I woke up feeling pretty rubbish....took kids to school and grabbed a quick hour in bed to get rid of the migraine before it took hold! I feel a lot better and I'm ready to go to my nail art course this afternoon! I have always had an interest in nails and now the school my children attend have been running an afternoon course with a crèche for younger children for free! I went last week and suprised myself on how much I enjoyed it and how relaxing it was! So I'm off again today they are running a variety of afternoon courses throughout the year and I intend on attending the creative sided ones! now my youngest is almost ready for full time school next year it's time for me to make something of my life to make my kids and my supportive partner proud of me......

Today I am determined to realise what I have got instead of what I haven't got.....despite the rain that's decided to take hold I will smile today!

Thanks for this thread it's helped me realise a lot just through writing things down!

Have a lovely day everyone