That's great prettygreeneyes, Dave and Hannah!

I love the sound of your dogs, prettygreeneyes! We have 4 rescue dogs and they are my world!! Walking them is the best thing I do every day! Good luck with your puppy! I expect your older doggie will be able to teach him some tricks too!

Thanks for the beautiful poem and the interesting photo, Dave! I love poetry and I enjoy photography too (though I have yet to master Photoshop!!) Really glad you are finding so much enjoyment in these things!

Really glad you had a good day watching your son playing footie and catching up with the other Mums and Dads, Hannah!

I haven't done much so far today as it's still morning here. But I did make a start on some housework and I'm going to force myself to continue with that. 4 dogs make for a lot of dog hairs!!!! When I start seeing dust bunnies in the corners, I know I can't put off the cleaning any longer!!!!