Quote Originally Posted by Sarah W View Post
at mykids12--yeah, someone told me I had nystagmus a year and a half ago. I had this vision problem several years ago (earlier story) that I went to see a doctor about, and when I took the field test I absolutely could not keep my eye still. But then, it was at least five minutes per eye and I didn't think that was abnormal. At the time, I asked the lady giving it to me how I did and she snarked something like "it turned out inconclusive because you didn't keep your eyes still" and I told her "well, yeah, I couldn't keep my eyes still" and she was just sort of like "uh, huh". Well, I wasn't just being difficult. Nystagmus could possibly explain that. If it does, it's probably something I've always had. Now that I think about it...I might have been told when I was little that that was what I had but I think I was confusing it with astigmatism. I would tell people that I had an astigmatism and they would ask what that was and I would say it's when your eyes are kind of jittery. That's not astigmatism... I think it's all the time, but I don't really have much cause to try to keep my eyes completely still. Maybe it comes and goes. I'm really not sure. If it's noticeable to anyone else, no one has commented on it that I can actually remember besides that one doctor a year and a half ago. Anyway, if I have it, it's not bad enough that my eyes jump around all the time while I'm going about my day. at JCSmith0817--thanks. Your experience sounds pretty awful and I sincerely hope it improves soon. Feel free to shoot me a message (I guess we can do that on here?) if you want. I'll ask you stuff if I can think of anything. at student8913--we may be experiencing the same kind of thing. I read somewhere else on here, a comment about anxiety in general, that maybe it's not going away because you keep checking to see if its gone. That might be applicable to my situation. I'm trying that approach now, just not even checking in. Maybe it passes if you don't fixate on it constantly...
Sad that a nurse responded that way. How unprofessional. My husband says he doesn't notice his eyes moving either as he's accustomed to it. He was born with the disease. Last eye appt he had the dr told him they have surgeries to try and correct it but in people who have had this then having eyes that finally sit still could cause all kinds of neurological problems, like vertigo and such. Hard disease to live with I'm sure luckily none of our kids developed it. With the way kids tease nowadays I'm sure they never hear the end of it.