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Thread: Just wondering

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Just wondering

    What do other people do when they are stuck at home all day. I feel like my time is spent sleeping to avoid the problem and hopfully one time I will wake up like I used to be...hasn't worked yet.
    My daughter is raised so its only my husband and I, oh and the two dogs. Both my husband and daughter check on me daily, but I feel like I am waisting away. I know everyone is concerned about me, but I am ok as long as I am at home.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2005

    i know what it's like!

    hey vikki... i completely understand how you feel.. i recently acquired agoraphobia... it's like you said.. sleeping is the best way to avoid every day anxiety! but obviously not the healthiest thing to do!! i'm only 19 and have no children or anything.. but i did lose my job due to this problem... i also lost my boyfriend and most of my friends and my car! it's been 2 and a half months now... but i am seeing a therapist and taking medication and i think it is beginning to help. today i went to the gas station which is a HUGE deal for me!! because a couple weeks ago I didn't even want to go outside to get the mail!! i know what it feels like.. like you would rather stay in bed all day because there doesn't seem to be anything to get up for! there doesn't seem to be any hope at all. every day is a long.. silent... hell. the only advice i can say is to go see a therapist.. don't be ashamed to be on medication if you need it to function.. and there is a lot to live for!! i can't wait to get well enough to go to my little brother's football games!! I can't wait to be able to walk through Walmart again.. just the little things sound so good right now! I can't wait to go back to work.. just have my life back! i pray that you can find the strength to get through this too!
    Hi i'm 19 years old, I have had anxiety since I was 10, I have recently acquired agoraphobia in the past 3 months I havent left my house except to go to my counseling appt.s I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    Thank you for your kind reply and your prayers both are greatly appreciated.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2005
    On the days I can't get out of the house due to my fears I talk on the computer , clean and watch movies. It's also the time I can work on some of my sewing. When I am depressed on top of it though I'm like you, just stay in bed and let the world go by without me.
    I take med. to help me with this and it works for the most part, but there are days when I just can't go out the door and face things. It doesn't mean that I am on the bottom and have to start all over again, it just means that I am having a bad day that day and tomorrow is another day to try again.

    "Practice makes perfect so be careful what you practice."



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