Quote Originally Posted by JennJenn View Post
I am with you one this one too. I am a scrap booker and I literally was ready to sell my whole get up because I felt that I really was over it. Been doing it for 20 years! Shows that I watch weekly I lost all interest in and most are still on my DVR because its like I have lost interest. I will not erase them because I know this is a anxiety phase. That's what I am calling it... a phase because we will all get back to our former selves. EVENTUALLY!
OMG JennJenn me too! I am an avid scrapbooker and card maker! It's my passion but when my anxiety flared about about two months ago, I haven't scrapped a single thing. The few cards I made (I had to for people's birthday) I had to force myself to do. It wasn't pleasant for me and it really made me sad. I just this week got more photos to scrapbook and am going to try and work on some stuff. Hopefully this weekend. With starting Lexapro about three weeks ago I found I am feeling quite a bit better in general. So we will see what happens! But you are right, it is just a phase! I feel like maybe I am finally starting to come out of mine. Here's hoping!