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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Jun 2013

    Panic attacks at work

    I just started getting panic attacks at work. I don't know why. I love my job. It's low stress, but for some reason whenever I go to work i get panic attacks. I also tend to get panic attacks when I am driving and I don't have a passenger in the car.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2012
    Manchester, England
    I get attacks in work too. I still get them at home, but seem to be able I control them better at home. I think it's harder in work because you know that there are things you need to do.

    Have you told your manager about it? If I'm having an attack, my manager gives me some time to sit on my own to try to get rid of it. They may be able to do that for you, which should help. I also find that having a mug of camomile tea on my desk helps quite a lot because it's very calming.

    Hope this helps. X

  3. #3
    I too have anxiety most at work. I am a barber and it pains me to get up and go to work in the mornings.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Jun 2013
    Me, too. I just switched jobs and I LOVE it. But almost every day I'm having small attacks. I have no idea why. It's much easier to get through them at home. I hate taking Ativan at work because then I'm all dopey for the rest of the day. I never know if they'll me me fall asleep or just calm me down.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    San Diego CA
    I had a panic attack at work last week. They ended up calling the EMT. It was super embarrassing and I felt like a total jerk. I continued to have one a day most of last week. I was suffering from bronchitis the last 3 weeks and turns out feeling crappy can ramp up the attacks. It gets better. One thing I learned that helped was trying not to associate my work as the place I get panic attacks because otherwise if will throw me off and ill end up trying not to freak bout which trying to stop it only makes it 100xs worse ! I'm sorry your going through :/

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2013
    I too have them at work. Really its is the mornings for me. I get a little nervous and then when I get to work i start bouncing the leg and constantly thinking is a panic attack coming on? It is horrible. I have had one at work before and it was embarrassing to say the least. I do not like to cry but I cried and no one knew what to do. I felt so alone.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    New Mexico
    I can relate! When I get anxiety I tend to get really emotional. Well, I don't think I'm feeling emotional and then all of a sudden I'm bursting into tears...it happened with my friend in a restaurant one day and one was of the most embarrassing moments EVER! At any rate, I also get more anxiety driving alone, which never used to be the case for me. I used to love driving, but my severe anxiety started while I was driving (alone in the middle of nowhere and in the middle of the night), so now driving alone, especially for any long distances, is definitely a trigger for me. Anyway, I'm like JennJenn, I get to work and start bouncing my leg, and having a panic attack or bursting into tears at work terrifies me. I already have trouble feeling disconnected from my co-workers, especially certain ones, so the thought of something like that happening at work is not okay...I feel like it would ruin me! I love my job, but I'm never felt so distracted at work in my life since I've started going through. You are SO not alone!

  8. #8
    Just a couple days agp I had a major panic attack on my third shift of a new job. Totally lost in front of the other worker... Supper embarassing and now very anxious about going back to work. I feel like hopefully once I get over going back in ill feel slightly better, but really hoping I never work with that girl again. So embarassing, but anyway the point is it happens to a lot of people. If u feel one coming on maybe head to the bathroom, rinse ur face with cold water and take some deep breaths til u feel okay.

  9. #9
    I have anxiety right now, thinking of having to be at work at 9 am. It's a newer job for me, no one really knows I have anxiety except my boss. He's on vacation this week, not that I trust him, I've heard him gossip about coworkers with fellow coworkers. So I have the added stress of if I panic ill be gossiped about as well . When did the work place turn into such a viper pit? I quit my last job due to bullying. Sorry to be negative, I know we're suppose to build eachother up. I think a lot of people have anxiety centered around work



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