Hi there,

I am new to this site and am having one of the worst anxiety episodes that I can remember. I won't go thru all the symptoms as i am sure you all know what it feels like. But basically literally I feel like I am going to jump out of my skin....it is aweful and I can't take anymore...has been goin on for 2 days now.

I take 1mg Ativan 2 times a day and 0.5 mg of Clonazepam (Klonopin) twice a day aswell.

Has anyone uped there dose a bit during a terrible anxiety period, for a day or 2?
Believe me this is the last thing I would do, but I can't seem to get a grip...and I think that this is the only thing that will help as I have tried dozens of other things to no avail....then I feel like I am going crazy....

Your experiences if you have done this?