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  1. #261
    Senior Member
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    As I have said in previous posts, what helps anxiety in one person, may not work in another person. Experimentation may be needed to see what works best for each individual.

  2. #262
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2012
    Hi Abbsdellis:

    It has been five years since I was cured by balancing my vitamin D3 level.
    My maintenance dose is IU 1500 daily, which works well for me.

    I hope vitamin D3 works on you. Many people have had great experiences by
    normalizing their D3 level, and by the same token, the therapy has not worked on some other people.
    Anyway, elevating your D3 level within the normal range of the blood test, is great for all your bodily functions.

    Best of luck,

  3. #263
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    Feb 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Damavandi View Post

    I suffered from depression, anxiety, and panic disorder for a few decades. One day, accidentally, I read something about vitamin D3, and depression on the Net, which ultimately changed my life.

    A few months after reading the article, I decided to go for a routine check up, and blood test. This time, I asked for a vitamin D3 test to be included. The test result showed that I was deficient on vitamin D3 !!!

    After visiting a doctor known for his work on vitamins, and amino acids deficiencies, I got 300,000 IU (International Units) monthly injections of vitamin D3. Three days after receiving the first injection, the depression started lifting, and in the second month, all symptoms of depression, anxiety, and panic attacks vanished. It has been five years since the first injection. I am on a maintenance dose of vitamin D3. There is no doubt that I have been cured, 100%.

    The first question that will pop up in your over exhausted heads is that why the doctors do not know much about the curing power of vitamin D3 ? Dr. S. Zaidi is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at UCLA. In general terms, he answers the above question in his book, Power Of Vitamin D:

    "Why hasn't my Doctor told me about all the beneficial effects of Vitamin D ?"

    "Unfortunately, This exciting new knowledge about vitamin D hasn't reached the radar screen of most physicians, nor has it reached the curriculum of medical schools. Why? Because no drug company is behind it. It's not a drug. it's cheap and you can obtain it over the counter. Unfortunately, most of our medical research, medical guidelines for practicing physicians and medical knowledge in text books is dependent upon drug companies one way or another. Sad but true! It may take years before this revolutionary knowledge finds its way into medical books and physician's offices."

    Well, the above quotation should answer some of your questions.

    By arranging for a vitamin D3 (25-OH) blood test, you will know the level of vitamin D3 in your body. If your test result is low, which most likely it will be, please take the lab papers to an up to date doctor, and ask him/her to put you on high doses of vitamin D3. It is very important that you go to an up to date doctor before you start your medications--don't forget it please.

    Many doctors, all around the World, prefer giving oral supplements of vitamin D3 to their patients.
    My doctor was different--he preferred injections. Anyway, the most important thing is to get the level of vitamin D3 in your blood above 50 ng/ml (125 nmol/L), and still keeping it within the allowable safe range.

    People in the United States must be careful not to accept vitamin D2 instead of vitamin D3 for their treatment. Vitamin D2 is an inferior type of vitamin D, and not as effective as vitamin D3 in some cases. Vitamin D2 is still being produced in The United States. As a matter of fact, D2 should be used for patients with kidney problems, and other conditions, which require special attention. Otherwise, vitamin D3 should be the first choice for treating people with vitamin D deficiency.

    Calcium is a mineral that you need, while taking vitamin D3. Take 500 mgs of calcium supplement at bedtime, or alternatively, get the same amount by having a considerable quantity of dairy products on daily basis. People taking vitamin D3 supplements, must also take magnesium supplements. Otherwise, serious problems may arise. Magnesium oxide is worthless. do not buy it, do not use it. Chelated magnesium is probably the best kind, that you should use. Please note that magnesium in its own right, by many people, is considered a miracle performing mineral in some neurotic cases. People with kidney problems, and hypo-thyroidism must avoid taking magnesium, and calcium, unless they get their doctor’s approval. The magnesium serum blood tests are just worthless, also. They show the result, only for 1% of magnesium, which is in the bloodstream. The other 99% percent is in different parts of the body. We all are magnesium deficient, because of depleted soil, which is the source of magnesium for all plant material. If you start feeling over exhausted, after taking chelated magnesium for a considerable period of time, your body has had enough of this mineral. Stop taking magnesium for a month or two, and then restart with a much lower dose.

    Vitamin D3 treatment has worked for me, and many others. There is a good chance that it could work for you also, if you are low on this vital vitamin. Your feedback on your progress will highly be appreciated.

    Best wishes,

    Hi I read your post a year ago when searching for a way to help my son who had anxiety attacks for pretty much no reason every day for over a year. He was on anti psychotics but these really hadn't helped. We read this article and others increased his vit d levels to 3000 via vitd3 aural tablets daily and within 3 days he stopped having any anxiety attacks. Unfortunately we didn't do a vit d test until a month later to check his vita wasn't too high but we know historically from his medical notes he was always borderline low on calcium and vit D. Since reading this I have read a lot about more recent studies under way on first onset psychosis and vit d levels so I think there is a lot more to come on this. In our case all I know is we went from a place of not seeing any improvement to one where things have been getting better ever since. So thanks for bothering to share your detailed post it made a huge difference to us.

  4. #264
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    My 18 year old son is suffering from anxiety and I think depression. He told us today that he can't go anywhere without feeling anxiety and feeling like people are looking at him and that makes him anxious. I know he also is depressed, all the signs. Lack of hygiene, weight gain, sad, not sleeping well, feeling like a loser. He had a blood test over a year ago and I don't remember his level but I know it was low. This has been going on for at least a year but getting worse in the last few months. Could it be because of low Vitamin D? I also have low Vitamin D - 18 level. I am always tired, thinning hair and eyebrows very thin, some depression, limp hair. Could that be the problem? I am thinking about ordering Vitamin D3 drops.

  5. #265
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    My vitamin D level is excellent and I am still tired. Their is no such thing as a cure all.

  6. #266
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    Dear Kirk:

    I totally agree with you, and I quote your earlier comment on this page, which is excellent.

    Kirk said "As I have said in previous posts, what helps anxiety in one person, may not work in another person. Experimentation may be needed to see what works best for each individual."

    This is the way to look at the problems correctly. A good number of people got positive results from trying vitamin D3, and their opinions are reflected in the comments of the previous pages. Many have not had positive results by elevating their vitamin D3 levels as far as their neurosis is concerned. More than 100,000 people have read this thread, and probably many took action on what they read, but were reluctant to comment on the results ! Anyway "experimentation" under professional care is what I recommend.

    Best of luck,

  7. #267
    Hi everyone.. I posted on here a few weeks ago but the post doesn't seem to be here...... hmm .. anyway.. I was having trouble with the magnesium I was taking so I switched to a different brand. I think everyone needs to know how important it is to supplement with magnesium as well!!! vitamin d will use up all of your magnesium and most of us are deficient already. That's why a lot of you are reporting symptoms like ringing in the ears, muscle aches, things like that after supplementing with vitamin d.. those are all symptoms of magnesium deficiency!! Thank you for this post damavandi.. I read it all the time and I have been supplementing with vitamin d3 and magnesium for a couple of weeks so far trying to cure my severe anxiety, ocd, derealization, fatigue, depression..... I will definitely keep everyone updated as I know how much hope these success stories have given me... and don't forget magnesium!!!!! It is extremely important.. citrate is good.. not oxide.. <3

  8. #268
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    Hi Peanutbutter:

    Thank you very much for reading my thread, and having such a positive attitude.
    To my experience, chelated magnesium is the best, and it is absorbed much more than the others.
    The worst is magnesium oxide, as you mentioned. I think Dr. C. Dean, the author of
    Miracle of Magnesium is in agreement with me on chelated magnesium. At least this is what I
    understood in my telephone conversation with her.

    Best wishes,

  9. #269
    Good to know.. thanks!

  10. #270
    Junior Member
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    May 2017
    If you don't mind, how low was you D3? Mine was tested, and it was just one tick above normal: 31 UoM with the range being 30-100. I've searched the Net and get different numbers for "optimal". Thank you.



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