Just wondering if anyone has a similar problem to me. When in a conversation with people or in a group setting, does anyone find maintaining eye contact really hard? When someone is speaking to me or I am speaking to them I find that for the past 8 years I have been looking away after only 3 seconds, I find it so hard to do, like almost impossible, I feel that I am being far too intense with a person, I feel intimidated, my eyes become very wide and I lose focus, I cant concentrate on what they are saying or what I am saying, it feels horrible and so I just dont speak and if I do i look down or pretend I am doing something like looking at my phone or some papers or reading something.... it feels horrible because I can sense people feeling hurt or offended, they must feel so ignored because they dont understand that I have social phobia/anxiety/depression, I do try to hide it and it does work but when people see the way I interact in conversation they must think I am so wierd... does anyone else feel this way? Anyone who wants to add me to msn feel free, I am looking for pen pals, friends, support... I can offer the same for anyone who is suffering social anxiety/phobia/depression.