I am new here and enjoyed reading some of your posts, i thought i would to post a short background.

I have been suffering from agoraphobia for the last 2 years, it all started off (I believe) with a GP concerned with my high blood pressure, to which i experienced my first major panic attack whilst driving. To this day I believe a seed was planted. It took me a while to understand my condition, I had numerous blood tests, cat scans, neuro specialist advice and finally a mental health review through a specialist.

Once diagnosed I was prescribed lexapro 10mg increased to 20mg and then reduced again. I was on the drug for almost 21 months and have been off lexapro for 3 months now. Since then i was made redundant and am worse.

It's been a roller coaster ride each day is a challenge, I have lost confidence in driving a vehicle by myself, even short distances. I have been forcing my self to take the kids to school. I feel threatened when I am left alone at home and cannot even think about being alone at a store. I have to be around close friends and family.

I have been seeing a psychiatrist for almost 4 months now and we are trying to get through CBT therapy, I have been prescribed Valium and only use if required. Have only used it twice. I try to cope without it.

All I want is to be able to drive without fear of panic, I remember a time when I enjoyed driving for hundreds of km and even race cars, but now can't even go more than 3 km on my own. Funny thing is I can drive with a passenger, I don't know why this is?

Hopefully this all makes sense, this is a great forum and it's great to hear of success stories, hopefully one day I too will conquer my fears, there is more to tell however I hate typing on the iPad

