And a particularly stupid one at that.
And a particularly stupid one at that.
Posting your deluded shit in other forums is still posting Peter.
(Dear Australian Police - you may need to create an account to see the attachments - Peter has "cunningly" deleted most of the vile shit he posts here prior to contacting you so you should contact your fellow professionals in Edinburgh for a full character assessment of Mr Anderson, but you might want to clear an afternoon...)
In the meantime let's see what the Court appointed social worker had to say (courtesy of Peter, because he is so delusional he posts things like this as 'edivence' of his victimhood):
"...directing insults at the court and victims..."
"...he plans to sue the victims, Court and his own solicitor..."
"...The level of delusion displayed by Mr Anderson was quite striking..."
"...rigid thinking style..."
"...profound difficulties with perspective..."
"...updated psychiatric report is needed..."
What a fine gentleman Mr Anderson is.
You see the problem is that Peter is, as mentioned previously, an obsessive belligerent vile misogynist racist psychopath, and as he wanders around the internet being an obsessive belligerent vile misogynist racist psychopath and doing obsessive belligerent vile misogynist racist psychopath things, he (apparently much to his surprise) upsets people.
When then these upset people point out that he has upset them, by acting like an obsessive belligerent vile misogynist racist psychopath, rather than adjusting his behaviour, he doubles down and is even more of an obsessive belligerent vile misogynist racist psychopath until he is banned, arrested, or both.
Now Peter has this weird coping mechanism, whereby instead of thinking to himself , "golly, everywhere I go I act like an obsessive belligerent vile misogynist racist psychopath which annoys people, and everybody hates me, perhaps I should modify my behaviour?" he instead has invented a singular arch nemesis 'Gimpy' to whom he attributes all dissent.
Apparently this Gimpy is so skilled he can operate 24h a day, 365 days a year using multiple accounts on multiple forums, sometimes simultaneously, even creating multiple personas who publicly communicate with each other - This is something Peter tries to do, but unfortunately pretending to be multiple people requires first that you can behave like a person, so he is comically bad at it. He never seems to wonder why being so productive and so skilled, this character has apparently devoted all this talent and energy entirely to the purpose of trying to hold Peter back from his otherwise illustrious acting career and wonderful productive life.
Maybe it makes him feel valued - that someone cares that he exists?
You know it wouldn't surprise Peter if it turned out Gimpy was somehow responsible for such horrors as Capcom making games people like (instead of just releasing the same game again and again), or casting (horror!) black or (worse!) female actors in TV shows, because Peter doesn't like change (or women, or black people, or Australians, or Spanish, or anyone really).
The alternative explanation - that no-one gives a flying fuck about Peter, and that he is an obsessive belligerent vile misogynist racist psychopath, and that everywhere he goes he makes new enemies, well that is clearly ridiculous.
No, it could't be that, could it Peter?
Bumpidy bump...
Meanwhile news from elsewhere, Petey boy s working on adding to his extensive collection of non-harassment and obscene communication prosecutions it seems:
Huh. "So it seemed wrong to be a sex pest" - ya think?Quote:
Last year, I messaged this gorgeous girl and she added me to WhatsApp. The one here...
This is why guys shouldn't think with their dick.
She is absolutely stunning, though. Trust me.
Anyway, we exchanged messages. I got rather nervous though, and ended up spouting all this crap about my personal life issues. Well, I think I was just nervous. I've got a disorder that makes having a social life difficult. But never again will I tell any sex worker my real name, or that I act in films.
It turns out she has a mistress called [redacted]. And she often works with [redacted], and her own mistress in Glasgow. I assumed that is where she is from. They shoot fetish productions for OnlyFans, and all that.
When she blocked me, I randomly found her social media profiles, despite not knowing her real name at the time. She may have been trying to find me on Facebook. Who knows? But it was definitely her accounts, because I saw content of hers before, that she has locked behind a paywall. So I seen her face closely.
Somebody tried to get me charged with a section 52 last year as well. Perhaps that wasn't her. It may have been this [redacted], who is another fruitcake I engaged with around the same time. The police were supposed to interview me, but I think they were hiding something from me.
A few months ago, I think [redacted] or whatever her pseudonym is, started sending me several impolite private messages on a forum, for mental health discussions. When she emailed me a few weeks ago, she said she knew I used message boards like that, and expressed a degree of empathy after reading my threads.
After [redacted] blocked me initially, I sent her messages to bug her on purpose. But I eventually realized that I was simply hurting from my life sucking, due to these tarts I had as support workers. So it seemed wrong to be a sex pest, so I said sorry to her. Huh
Now granted, my success rate on AW has always sucked. The girls on there are trash, to be honest. The ones that go to a dungeon named Maison de Debauch in Edinburgh, constantly slander me for some reason. And I think she visits that dump too. Yet I have not gone there in nearly 6 years. There are tons of women that know Mistress [redacted] though, like Mistress [redacted]. They all just take the piss. Miss [redacted] and [redacted] are two other cows.
Absolutely none of these dominatrix types I have contacted are nice people. Now, I know they're known for being incredibly cold in general, so that is to be expected, I guess. But come on, eh? Whatever happened to manners? You cannot message them about bugger all. They're only interested in you being daft enough to tip them for their boring, pedestrian, overpriced content.
The second last time [redacted] emailed me, she told me her address in Perthshire is some fancy looking estate, along with my own address, since some annoying troll in Australia mass posted it on a forum recently, so she probably looked up my user name, which is not actually this one, but one with "Saunders" in it. The last email I got was on Friday, by the way, where she said she would call the cops if I ever contact her again. Dodgy
However, I am done with AW now. It is all just annoying wank fodder and the site is actually full of fake profiles, bizarre ladies, and sadists, that love to waste your time and money. Oh, and they hate autism too. So I'd advise you to just stick to vanilla dating sites, but even they are usually pointless as well. It is just so sad. But if you confront them, they claim you're a misogynist. What the hell?
Unfortunately, that is life online. Gonna just call it quits here, you guys. But I did try!
I see you talkin but I can't hear a word your sayin. It's a beautiful thing. I know I'm right anyway.. Why would a troll try to tell people this "innocent" FB guy isn't him?? Not too bright are ya?