Peter Ross Anderson - Zulu time is for everyone
Originally Posted by
Peter Ross Anderson
Another fine evening full of active productivity for you, Jimbo.
I thought I was in Australia (or New Zealand, or New Jersey, or whatever)
Surely it's a bright sunny morning?
Peter Ross Anderson - its efforts are insignificant, brief and disappointing.
Peter tried to show me a tiny thing, but it disappeared, so let's have another couple of golden oldies.
Originally Posted by Anonymous37919 (Peter Ross Anderson)
Re: I'm saddened to have to say this, but my life is as good as over!
01-26-2015, 06:01 PM
In fact, I have to go to a social worker session tomorrow for my last hearing on Thursday. Although I want to rant and rave about what they did, that ain't always a wise move. They usually want you to feel remorseful over the 'crimes' you committed (yes, saying sorry to someone is a crime, apparently). It's stupid. However, your fate in the courtroom depends on what rubbish the person types up for the procurator fiscal to read out in front of the judge. So obviously a good report could bring forth a good result. If they think you are still a danger to the person or individuals named in the charges, then you can expect to be locked up again, assuming you have been in jail before. Only sentenced prisoners don't get it as easy as remanded ones. When you are on remand, you can get daily visits apart from on Sundays and if you are a sentenced inmate, I'm sure it's only like 3 visits per month or something you are entitled to. They threatened to stop my visits before because I would raise my voice when my mother came to see me.
Yes, you can't be aggressive to your mother when she visits you in prison, Peter.
Silly judges, punishing you for 'crimes' and locking you up 'to protect the public'.
Still, some free advice - maybe save your money up for legal services rather than blowing it on pointless shit:
Originally Posted by Peter A
Variety and Box Office Mojo makes you pay to access box office records...
Dec 23, 2019
Recently, I paid over £450 to look at film charts that started in 1969. I have to save them all manually for safe keeping. They used to do a top 50 weekly chart. This info isn't even on IMDb or Box Office Mojo at all.
Now? Now Box Office Mojo deleted much of the comprehensive data and you can only view like 20 of a week's most popular movies now unless you pay up to see anything more niche, I guess. Unlike before. You used to have the handy option of searching by a genre, and it would display moderately successful movies too. Which if you're a horror enthusiastic like me, is handy to know. But, hey: No longer can you do that.
I guess the world is greedy now.
Peter Ross Anderson - not exactly a credit to the species.
Originally Posted by
Frank Anthony
Oh dear. Such anger.
Indeed. Quick to anger and hard of thinking - it's not a winning combination, is it?
Peter Ross Anderson - butthurt and anally fixated
Originally Posted by
Indeed. Quick to anger and hard of thinking - it's not a winning combination, is it?
Clearly hit a raw nerve.
Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro
Dear PeterAndersonIsARacist,
You have received an infraction at Anxiety Forum - A Home for Those with Anxiety, Fear, or Panic Attacks.
Reason: Bum sex. Lost South Park episode. J.B. gets an anal probe. LMAI
This infraction is worth 8888 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.
Original Post:
Originally Posted by
Frank Anthony
Oh dear. Such anger.
Indeed. Quick to anger and hard of thinking - it's not a winning combination, is it?
All the best,
Anxiety Forum - A Home for Those with Anxiety, Fear, or Panic Attacks
Ah, primary school level sodomy jokes. How refreshing.
Potatoface really loves reporting posts though, it seems.
Especially weird, given the absence of moderators, but impotent, angry, and delusional are pretty much the cockwomble's watchwords.
Again, as someone once said:
Originally Posted by Cure Zombrex
Jun 12, 2018
And what are you reporting me for, exactly? Nobody likes a tattle-tale either.
I have to question the mentality of some of these strangers that I encounter online. Just bitter, angry people who clearly have a perplexed way of thinking. It's so crazy.
Peter Ross Anderson - mashed potato
So the good news is that Peter is finally clearing up the legacy of bile and hatred that the cunt has scattered across the internet since Tania's ill-fated decision to buy a computer in late 2002. This seems to be a mixture of deleting accounts and using privacy notices to get pages delisted from Google. So long as the end effect is to slowly erase Peter's shit from the internet, I don't care how it gets done.
The bad news is that Peter is continuing to play the victim on other sites, so here's another one from the archives.
At least the fucker doesn't have to worry about being thin any more.
You should probably not read this while eating.
Originally Posted by Peter A
I don't like very much!
18-05-2013, 22:54
I don't know if these forums specifically are for talking about the site, or for the subject of adult work in general, but I honestly do not like anymore.
There are too many fake or inactive profiles. Steep prices. Foreigners coming over and defrauding us. Lack of interest. No GFE. No manners. No nothing etc. If you spent ages creating an account and blocking from view all the fakes and morons, who are you left with?
I'm 27 and I've got a mental disability. I only get benefits to live on, so I can hardly ever afford the longer punts, like the one hour bookings people ought to aim for so they aren't being made to rush. So the issue at hand is that I sometimes waste money punting and then come begging family to help out because it's been a vicious cycle of borrowing money and then punting again too quickly, instead of waiting until my finances are back to normal. That takes time, even if you feel you have the money there to do it, as quite often you'll have less money in general if you've borrowed money and then had to repay a lot of it back, but I suppose the big deal nowadays is that I am horny as hell and I am no longer a patient person, especially when it comes to waiting ages for a shag. And I cannot do out calls to my house and blab about it ever again, because it's supported accommodation. I've slipped up before by revealing what I did and it is my home at risk here. That matters the most in life. Shagging does not matter if you lose your home.
I'm a thin guy and I don't exercise. I also feel rather nervous about seeing strangers and booking girls online can be a chore in itself, because it ain't easy to get anybody to answer their phone. Then I was getting annoying impotence issues when I got to the venue, so my dick was practically useless. I've got a lot of sagging skin down there too, so the idiots don't even put the condoms on properly and they never trim their bloody nails. A guy's foreskin has to be fully retracted and if it doesn't retract all the way down my cock, maybe I need to look into buying bigger condoms. I'd even put them on myself if I knew how. Although I've purchased Viagra to help me attain an erection, it works by raising your blood pressure and so it tends to knock me out for hours afterwards, and my dick is left feeling sore. However, on the plus side, it does do its job. Without it, I can do nothing sexually.
I try to punt within my means, but I get desperate and squander all my money on bad, usually 15-30 minute punts. Then I feel like an idiot because I still want to have sex after I leave their flat with a red face, but then I've not got any punting money left for to see anyone else, because I've just wasted it on another crappy punt. This is why it would be better to have a real girlfriend, because then if I had one to love me back, I wouldn't need to be wasting money on hookers.
Many of the women I've seen can hardly speak basic English. They don't seem enthusiastic about anything I'm doing or saying. They won't even make any effort to converse about anything and on top of that, I had one bitch use baby oil as lube, so my condoms instantly burst three flipping times. She didn't want to be kissed and that's arguably one of the most sensual activities one can do in the bedroom, rather than just straight-up screw someone. Then the cow wanted me out the door in a hurry. We were going to do anal, but she couldn't do it and refunded me £20 of the £60 back. The reason I couldn't do it was because she hadn't used the proper lubrication and the condom has to be on a guy's dick neatly, not just forced over the skin.
I'd been to the same house before to see another Polish woman who was better than who I seen, but she's seemingly left. I wish she had stayed and that other person is a poor, poor replacement. It didn't feel like 15 minutes at all, although if you counted the preparation time, condom changes etc, it probably was. Also, I think her profile is fake because the photos are different now.
So I also went to a sauna one time recently and the huge BBW chick I saw that day didn't shower before or after the punt, which is disgusting. She smelled really bad. I had to touch her body for leverage when I was pumping her from behind. Having a girl in your company with poor hygiene would offend anybody. I know this because I too don't really shower much and people do notice these things if you have bad BO from not washing up. Although it can get hot in the saunas, especially in the hottest season, so that could be why she was soaked in sweat. But still.
The escorts agencies are really just as bad, for they often have inaccurate details on their websites, or it's 100% faked. Like you book a lady you like the look of, hoping to get your money's worth, they deceive you by sending out some unattractive ho to your house in place of the incredible "stunner" you thought you were going to be seeing. I've been caught out with this at least twice now, if not three times. What a way to gain loyal customers.
It's becoming crap and a waste of money and energy to carry on punting on or any other services like it, and I know in life you only get what you pay for, but if one hour bookings would just turn out the same as the quicker ones, it would be pointless to continue. I just feel like calling it quits. I'm frustrated by all this carry on and it's bugging me.
P.S. I have actually had some great punts too, although they are becoming scarce now.
Peter Ross Anderson - are we sure it isn't performance art?
Originally Posted by
Frank Anthony
More comedy gold.
It's a constant mystery as to how Peter is single, isn't it?
Peter Ross Anderson - possibly as bright as that veiny slime you find on rotting wood
Originally Posted by
Frank Anthony
This would not have been done under his own volition.
Oh absolutely not, Peter seems thoroughly resistant to remorse or redemption, but persistence does seem eventually to be having some effect.
Even a slime mold can be trained through appropriate application of stimuli - I'm not sure exactly where Peter stands in terms or intelligence, relative to slime molds, but it's worth a try.
Peter Ross Anderson - will linger in the memory like dog shit trodden into the carpet
Originally Posted by
Frank Anthony
He's permanently defective from birth. You just have to look at him to see that. I sort of feel sorry for him in some ways, no one wants to look as hideously deformed as he is. But nothing will change, this recent turn of events you saw would have been a directive from the court. You're really wasting your time chasing this, mentally defective psychopaths don't change. It's been a great read, but too time consuming following what a mental does. So with that I won't be back on here.
I have no sympathy for the little shit at all. Various people have tried over the years to help Peter and have usually ended up the worse for it. Peter is entirely the architect of Peter's problems. Peter likes to try to blame others, or hide behind Peter's clear cognitive developmental issues, but most of folks in similar situations are perfectly decent people and, frankly, it's insulting to all of them to imply that. That's one of the reasons Peter gets such very short shrift on mental health and autism forums, and something I have absolutely zero time for. It's just lazy blame shifting on Peter's part, but unfortunately something that works often enough that it has become a reflex for the cuntwomble now.
I'm pleased with this tidy up, but I'd be very surprised if it is in response to the court, as Peter has shown nothing but contempt in the past. the fucker was banned form the internet entirely for a couple of years while on bail and continued business as usual regardless (including unironically uploading a video of a phone call to the court complaining that they wouldn't send paper forms out, stating it was impossible for Peter to fill them out online given the internet ban).
I totally understand your Peter fatigue. Good luck to you wherever you end up.
Peter Ross Anderson - is an absolute weirdo and unrelenting
Originally Posted by Google user
Can blocked users still dislike one's videos?
There's this nutter who keeps stalking me online. I think he's in either New Zealand or Australia, going by clues I've obtained about him, and he keeps annoying me on websites such as Wikipedia and various Internet forums, particularly, and this is all because there's not any moderators there anymore. If you go to the forum's address, you'll see he creates dozens of accounts and spams every single day, just to harass me personally. But anyway, I suspect he keeps making multiple accounts on YouTube too, just to vote down my videos, and these creeps keep doing this, where they're subscribing to any YouTube accounts I start up, then I cannot see who any of them are. This is because they are doing it with hidden accounts, and thinking this is amusing.
This is just a suggestion, but I think your site's security features should be updated, to where YouTubers can better monitor who's linking themselves to their accounts. Like even if the followers of a YouTuber were to mark themselves as hidden, there should at least be a way for the OP to see who's a subscriber, even if they uphold their privacy, just for the content creator's own safety.
As you know, not everybody online is a sane individual, and this bugger is an absolute weirdo and unrelenting. I'm sure he'll just keep on doing this for as long as I'm around online, as it's how these radge pots like to get their kicks. But, yeah: I know the Internet is open to pretty much everybody that can access it, but with that said, nobody wants stalkers hiding themselves in order to avoid detection, then being malicious afterwards. Even if I unlisted the videos that I upload, he follows me around on different message boards, and I don't want to privately contact random people, because I may be reported for "spamming" their inboxes if they're not interested in the content of the messages.
Quite right, Peter. Nobody wants stalkers hiding themselves in order to avoid detection. You're not very good at the avoiding detection though, are you?