everything ARGH
Hi everyone,
First I'd like to introduce myself to you all as I am a new member here. I am 20yr old male who has been suffering from extreme anxiety and depression (depression because of the anxiety problems) for since I was probably a toddler, but it became extreme, life interfering during my early teens. When I ended up quitting college shortly after finishing school, for no reason other than "anxiety gettng the better of me" and realising I had a problem, I went to my doctor for help. My doctor steered me in the direction of seeing a therapist, 3 times a week, every week, until things got better. This went on for a year, where I learned CBT. CBT therapy was very useful, but it did not help with some of the instant bouts of anxiety that came without warning. So half a year later I pushed for something else. I was then moved onto a psychiatrist who then decided to give me a drug called paxil. Paxil helped tremendously along the work of CBT I had learnt and allowed me to experience the better side to life.
However, that has all since now changed. I have been moved from paxil to zoloft in the attempt to wean me off Anti-depressants altogether because apparently "I have been on them long enough" (2yrs) according to my doctor. Now don't get me wrong, there is pros and cons to this, firstly it helped with my anxiety and depression and allowed me to function normally like having a job maintaining it etc, but secondly it made me want to sleep whenever I had time to myself and no sex drive at all.
More recently though, zoloft has made my anxiety fall straight back to how I was before paxil, and the effort to maintain everything I hold onto so greatly in life is fast slipping away. I have tried asking for anxiolytics to help with the anxiety I am getting with zoloft but I doctors are far too reluctant to prescribe them, and people around me are commonly placed in the opinion that I need to "get over it".