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    Hey, Alankay.

    Thank you for what information you have already provided me with. Unfortunately, I feel as if it is getting worse. My fatigue is so bad now. My muscles aren't tired, but my eyes have severe heaviness and I feel as if I could pass out any second because of the tiredness. I am now convinced I have cancer because of two little white moles that have recently appeared and the worsening fatigue... (I know, it's stupid.)

    Any advice or info you could give me? It's much appreciated.
  2. View Conversation
    I really appreciate your help in the thread my friend - and I've only experienced anxiety for a year. I'd love discuss more with yourself - but I feel the whole situation is far too big to talk over a forum. Do you have some sort of instant communication? MSN, Skype, or Email, etc. Many Thanks!
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    Hi Alan

    You responded to one of my messages on the forum in the last few days and said it was ok to message you again. I hope this is still ok.

    I'm seriously concerned about my constant headaches and wonder whether this is a common sympton for anxiety sufferers? Its over three months since they started and I have experienced about 2 weeks of that headache free. It starts early morning and is present all day. My anxiety is going through the roof again - I seem to control it for a short time then boom, im off again. The headache is mainly left sided and today its stretching across my eye. As a result of these headaches, I have developed some health anxiety issues and have diagnosed myself with all sorts of conditions to be honest. However, it was my headache that started first and all anxiety followed afterwards.

    All the best,
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About alankay

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About alankay
Moderate social anxiety and panic disorder. Under control now. 30 years with anxiety and pretty knowledgeable particularly on the medication side but use all other aids to control/minimize anxiety.
Florida, USA


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