View Full Version : I admit defeat! ...kind of!

03-26-2012, 12:02 PM
well, i went to the doctors today. about my so called epilepsy.

i don't know what they have got down on their system, but she wasn't going to entertain the epilepsy thought at all!

she asked if i had seen this psychiatrist yet. said that i seemed a bit paranoid and that i need to wait for the psychiatrist. he will do a full assessment.
all of my symptoms are down to anxiety. she asked if i was obsessive and had repetative behaviour, which i have - and then gave me 50mg of sertraline and said we will up the dose in 4 weeks time.

i'm pleased i'm on meds now as i just can't function normally no more. my mind is constantly on whatever i think is wrong with me! even in the bedroom lol. it's doing my head right in. so hopefully, i can sneak back into normality once these meds kick in!

now i'm worried i have something more than just anxiety as i've been put straight on 50mg and she's wanting to up it in 4 weeks time. she's made me paranoid about her paranoid comment ha so obviously she is right about the paranoia thing.
i'm back to feeling like a bad person again. sighh