View Full Version : Health anxiety

03-26-2012, 03:42 AM
I know drinking and smoking is bad for you but I have done more than I should over the past few months. When I drink I smoke. Seems to go hand in hand. I feel as though I can quit but then I give in to the social situation and the cycle continues.... I feel such guilt and health worries from it. After drinking I can't even look at my child without thinking going to get cancer and it'll all be my fault he won't have a mommy. Because I have been smoking more this recent bout of anxiety I'm constantly fearing throat and lung cancer and checking for tumors, lumps etc. I'm only thirty but I feel so afraid. I'm going to ditch the frequent drinks and smokes but am I going to get cancer and die? It's the worst at night this is when my heart beats more rapidly or jumps beats after some ciders and smokes. Seriously have I done my self in?