View Full Version : Anxiety or Real Illness??

03-26-2012, 03:25 AM

I am struggling at the moment with symptoms which I am not sure are anxiety or a genuine illness / condition.

I am a 29 year old male of average height and weight.

My first symtom started 4 months ago when I noticed my second toe (not to little toe) was itching constantly. This progressed a couple of months later to pins and needles in the feet and that was that.

Only 3 weeks ago I noticed pain in my calves and thighs and general fatigue. These are also accompanied by fasiculations on a regular basis (every minute or more) and although I havent had any weakness as such, my legs and arms get tired very quickly and I now have to rest on a regular basis and I am unable to carry out normal things like standing for longer periods or walking longer distances. I am still able to run up stairs, short distances etc but find myself very tired afterwards.

I attended my GP 2 weeks ago for which he took bloods and tested reflexes (which were all reported as normal), he has prescribed me with amitriptyline for which I am hoping will have some effect.

My one worry which continues to present itself is that one of my grandparents had ALS/MND and I am concerned that this is causing me further anxiety to enhance the symptoms that I have.

Could this purely be anxiety or do the symptoms present an illness? I am feeling this from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep and even as I type pins and needles in my feet and fasiculations are occuring.

03-26-2012, 03:36 AM
Also apologies for the topic title is slightly wrong as I understand Anxiety is a real illness, but you know what I mean.

03-26-2012, 05:11 AM

I'm 28yo male in also excellent health.

I can understand what you are going through. I'm also very new to this and have done a lot of research.

I tried not focusing on it last week and did really well. Thursday and Friday was a tough day, and again symptoms came back.

I know deep down it is all anxiety however it's very hard to accept. All I know that it s extremely common symptoms and all apart of the physical symptoms of anxiety.

Try camomile tea before bed, and maybe some herbal items such and rescue. They ease the worrying for me.

Let me know what yo think of the article and pm off needed.


03-26-2012, 05:21 AM
Hi sorry could not paste the article.

Type in to google thread for newcomers worried about ms..... It's anxiety zone. I really got a lot out of this.

Hope you have some comfort from it.

03-26-2012, 05:28 AM
Thanks for your reply, I will try the camomile tea and herbal.

It feels as though I am in a vicious circle, when I tell myself I am fine then I get the twitches / pain and my mind automatically switches to ' I have a serious condition' and i notice everything 10 x more than normal. The thing is I then wonder what brought this on in the first place??

03-26-2012, 05:34 AM
Yeh it's crazy. I know exactly what your going through, how can anxiety cause this.

I also joined anxiety centre.com. Costs around $8 for a month membership. Really amazing site and explains all symptoms, but still best thing I read was what posted before