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03-25-2012, 11:26 PM
I came across this site by coincidence. Wow!

I've had anxiety issues since I was a teen. I'm in my early 30's now and I guess I am finally accepting that anxiety is real.
I recently returned to college and I am doing a project on behavior modifications. I looking for apps related to psych and behavior stuff and I came accross this app on the Iphone.
Anywho... I just wanted to share the excitement that I feel about interacting with others that relate and understand the way I feel. It's hard to describe all the feelings I have and sometimes I wonder if that means they arent real or I'm just crazy!
I have extreme muscle tightness, headaches, nausea, appetite changes, irritability, boredom, trouble concentrating, trouble sleeping, fatigue, high blood pressure, chest pain, weakness, tingling... and every other symptom related to anxiety.
For years I really truely believed people when they called me crazy! ugh!. Years of counseling, medication, misery and confusion.... but now that I have accepted it and I'm working on manging it.... and I feel like my life will get better.