View Full Version : Burning back of head

Sean Schramm
03-25-2012, 11:42 PM
Lately i have been really stressed about my health i have no had any insurance until recently next monday is when it kicks in , i was just sitting on a chair very relaxed ( or so i thought ) when i felt a pop and then a warm liquid sensation down my head or up i can't tell and then it burns the focal point is shown in this picture , the red is where the "pop" occured the blue is the liquid sensation , i went to the ER explained to him what happen i did not feel dizzy nor did i get blurred vision when it happen..i will go get a CT scan but i want to know if anybody has experience with this before , right now i have a normal headache with neck and shoulder pain. i also have been getting the feeling of dry eyes and my eyes get red not all the way just a little, but that was happening before this occured


yes its picture of a guy with a hitman barcode but its the only imagine i could fine bald enough to show you guys

just looking for some clarity on the off chance it might be a tumor or nerve damaging or worse an anseriusm