View Full Version : I'm new!

03-25-2012, 04:25 PM
Hi I'm new to this but glad I've found this AP and support group.
I've been suffering from anxiety for 6 years. At the beginning of last year I was really starting to feel that it was manageable. I had a run in with my neighbour in the summer and I now feel like I've gone back to square one. My husband tries but doesn't understand and no one else knows. It would just be nice to maybe share things with people that do and who won't look at me and think i'm a stark raving looney, which is who I feel I am most of the time.

03-25-2012, 08:12 PM
Welcome!! We are like a second family here and we want to help you! Anxiety is something that everyone deals with throughout their lives and for some it is easier to deal with than others. You have come to the right place! Any help you need post it up here and we can help you!!