View Full Version : i get anxiety over the way my girlfriend words things to me, any advice?

03-25-2012, 10:03 AM
hi, for example i said to her "i worry that one of those guys will try talking to you again" (about some d-bag from her past) and she says "they know we're dating, i wont talk to them". That sets in the thought in my mind "wait but are they talking to you? cuz i can put them in their place if they are. and are you ignoring them?" etc etc. its just irrational thoughts about how she words certain things. can someone help me cope with this, i just responded to her "ok cool im glad" but its bothering me inside.

03-25-2012, 10:39 AM
Do you have any reason not to trust her?

if any of these past guys talk to her, trust that she is ignoring them. i know my bf worries about that too. but he knows that i dont want to talk to any of them. these people are in the past for a reason.

its also natural for you to kind of be unesy about her talking to them. your her present love, hopefully her eyes are just on you..

do you have any past girlfriends that betrayed you or anything?

03-25-2012, 07:45 PM
I think you are over-thinking things. Your girlfriend probably worded things that way in order to try to re assure you that THEY won't walk to her because your worry was that THEY will talk to her. If you told her that you were worried that SHE would talk to them I'm sure she would frame her response differently. And just in general you can't over think the way people word things. Many people word different messages differently. The important thing is that your girlfriend was trying to reassure you there was nothing to worry about.