View Full Version : question about medication????

03-24-2012, 09:34 PM
I have had anxiety and panic since i was 16, 32 now and have been on Effexor xr for eight years. about eight months ago i decided to lower my dose of 450 down to 300 since things were fine for a long time and i thought it could not hurt. in dec. i started to get very anxious and panicy. also, i have been on a generic of the med. i went back up to 450 of the generic and things were not working. decided to start with the brand again about three weeks ago and things are improving but very slow. i have the typical symptoms of anxiety for no reason, panic as well. no full blown panic attacks but the fear of having one is almost as bad. i go through the day wondering when i will feel bad again and how bad. just seems like i cant stop thinking about this problem. i am usually a very social and cheerful person so i am not scared to be in public places or anything like that. i like people and like to be arround them. i gues i'm seeing if anybody had a similar experience with this? my doc recomended i try abilify in addition to effexor. did anybody try this and what was the outcome? i really appreciate any input or discussion on this topic.

03-25-2012, 01:49 PM
do you think it could be down to the messing around with the dosages of the meds?
i know when you mess about with dosages or swapping meds, it can have an effect on you

03-25-2012, 07:38 PM
I'm not sure if you are currently seeing a psychologist but if you are not it may be a good idea because many times medication will just put a band aide on the problem and never truly cure it but going to a counselor or psychologist will help give you techniques to cure your anxiety for ever.

03-25-2012, 08:18 PM
Thank you for your reply. I am not going to a counsler at the time however i will seriously consider this. Please feel free to give me more input into my situation.