View Full Version : Anxiety Disorder?

Dennis Sinsheimer
03-24-2012, 09:26 PM

03-26-2012, 11:42 AM
Dennis, I have been in the same exact place you are and let me be living proof to you that this is very curable. I felt just the ways you explained and I seriously thought it was the way I was going to have to be the rest of my life. My anxiety did a complete 180 when I was watching t.v. one day at home and saw a t.v. show of all of these extremely successful, motivated, and unbelievable people that were living the dream life. I literally said What the F*** am I doing? I am allowing this anxiety and these thoughts take over my life, I refuse to let a bunch of thoughts and feelings control my life! That same day I went out and saw both a psychiatrist and physiologist and with the help of them I have been able to completely turn my life around. The psychiatrist put me on temporary medication(that I am off of now) and the psychologist gave me techniques on how to handle my anxieties and restless thoughts. Don't get me wrong it did not all just get better in one day because curing anxiety takes a little bit of time just like with any illness but now I am completely anxiety free. Reach out for help! You are not by any means alone. Anxiety is something that thousands of people recover from every single day with the help of others. If I was able to do this you can too! Keep us updated on how things go after you reach out for some professional help!