View Full Version : Chest pain question..

03-24-2012, 03:22 AM
hiya - i know this is nothing to worry about, as i have it all the bliddy time!
it happened last night, and made me wonder how many others are dealing with the same thing...

last night, i had pains in the right side of my chest. now, if i didn't move or breathe it was fine. when i breathe in the though, it hurts sooo much!
i also find that when the pain is on the right side of my chest, then i can't lie on my left side, without feeling like my chest is going to burst open!

i didn't feel as though i was anxious in any way, shape or form before it happened. it didn't bother me during it either - as i said, it happens all the time!
could it be indigestion or something?

anybody else find that when they have chest pains - they can't lay down on the opposite side of the pain, otherwise it increases greatly!?

03-24-2012, 04:23 AM

I'm glad that you posted this, I woke up this morning with some chest pain and once again assumed the worse was happening. I have noticed though that sometimes depending on where the pain is, I can't lay a certain way. Also I seem to have a lot of shoulder pain shoulder pain so all together I'm miserable. This morning I feel really nervous though, and I hate that I have read that anxiety is a symptom of a heart attack. This is all hard to deal with. I hope the best for you.

Have a great day!


03-24-2012, 04:25 AM
Maybe is because of you excercise or you carry heavy things that made your chest pain, if the pain is very strong or when you move also pain then you need to see a doctor

03-24-2012, 04:31 AM
jeremy - i also experience the shoulder pain to accompany the chest pains i'm talking about!
i would suggest some breathing exercises to try and ease them...even though i find breathing extremely difficult when it is happening lol. if it's the same for you, then hopefully somebody else could suggest something else.
but to help ease your mind a little - my pains have now gone and i'm fine :)

joachay - these pains have subsided now. they must have gone when i was asleep :)
i get them quite often. mostly on a night time when they really bother me, as it affects my sleeping!
i've been dismissed from the doctors for chest pains too many times for me to even consider going back for them. plus, with me having them often - and they go everytime - i think i'll be fine...i hope ha :)

thank you :)

03-24-2012, 04:43 AM
strange thing is - i do find my right arm is all sore today :(
anyone else experienced all this?

03-24-2012, 09:56 PM
I think that a lot of the chest and arm pain, especially if it is upper arms, can be from tension. All of this stress and tension does has repercussions on the old muscles.

I also struggle with the idea that these anxiety symptoms could be a heart attack. This is specifically because one of my best friends passed away from a heart attack last year, aged 29. It was completely out of the blue and doctors even suggested his symptoms were anxiety related.

I have no doubt that this awful experience has contributed to my feelings and I have discussed this extensively with my doctor and he told me to ALWAYS go to emergency if it feels different to a standard panic attack and I am experiencing heart palpitations, accelerated heart beat and pain in the arm/s. It is better to walk away slightly embarrassed than be sorry later.

Just something to think about.