View Full Version : Losing your mind?

03-24-2012, 02:16 AM
A while back in January I went through a stage where I felt like I was "losing my mind"! I felt like I was literally going crazy! I still remember talking to my dad about it and telling him I think I need to be institutionalized! He re-assured me that I wasnt losing my mind and sure enough that feeling lasted a long 2 weeks but eventually ended! Did any of you guys ever feel that???!! And I'm talking about an extreme fear that you're going crazy!! Let me know if you ever got that feeling or get it occasionally.....I want to know I'm not the only one out there who experienced this...

Also, my personal YouTube anxiety video....


03-24-2012, 04:29 AM
Hey Jeremy,

I can relate to this very much so. For about two weeks I could seem to clear my mind, everything was working against me and nothing seemed to help. On the second week I got myself so worked up, I ended up throwing up for days. Finally one day I was sitting at my moms and she walked in the room, and for some reason I started crying. I told her I don't want to deal with this anymore and that it's a terrible feeling, I did feel like I was going insane; it was such an intense feeling. I have been good for a few weeks now, but the past couple of days I have been anxious. Good luck on your journey to control this wonderful thing.


03-24-2012, 11:33 AM
i had the same thing happen to me... it lasted 3 weeks, i didnt sleep, eat or do anything in that period of time. i thought i was going insane. i just wanted my thoughts to effin go away so i could finnally sleep and eat. i lost 20 pounds in that time. it was extremely scary and i thought i was gonna. the fear didnt let up at all. my whole body was numb, i couldnt relax. i never ever want to feel like that again. the only thing i could drink was water and i looked like i was dead... i was so skinny and just so sick looking. i felt how i looked. horrible. and a few times i thought i just wanted to end it all. i found this site and finally went to the doc... oh and during that time i had noooo health insurance so i was on no meds at all.


03-24-2012, 06:46 PM
Claire!! Thanks so much for sharing your experience cause I read that can happened but didn't know if anyone has actually experienced it!!! I lost a lot of weight during that time to I would only drink water and I would force myself to eat an apple to at least have something inside my stomach....I never got suicidal thoughts....but the fear of losing my mind was soo intense I just remember going through this being so scared because I wasn't sure what was going on with me!

03-24-2012, 07:19 PM
I feel like I am losing my mind on a daily basis. I was actually thinking again today that I should probably be admitted to the hospital. From my understanding it is a very common thought.

A few weeks ago I actually talked to my psychiatrist about it and she said that we would try to go on medication again, but if it didn't work it might not be a bad idea.

Fingers crossed that the meds work :) I don't like to leave my house, so going to the hospital would be really difficult for me.

03-24-2012, 09:45 PM
I have had very similar thoughts about my anxiety. This constant state of hyper-awareness of every bodily sensation and over analyzing everything just isn't helping.

I seem to have a couple of ok days that boost my confidence then they are shattered by a tough day or one bad experience and I feel like I'm starting at ground zero all over again.

I don't know if hospital would help for anxiety. I guess it really depends on whether you have depression or other co diagnoses. I have been hospitalized for my eating disorders a long time ago and that helped, I got some tools that I desperately needed, but I was in the private system in a safe environment where I felt quite comfortable.

If you feel you are a danger to yourself, I would recommend talking to your doctor or therapist about going in patient for a while. If you check in and it makes things worse, you can always check yourself out.

Good luck with your struggles everyone x

03-29-2012, 03:53 PM
I never actually had suicidal thoughts where I was a danger to myself!

It was experiencing the symptom of losing my mind along with derealization! It was just a weird time period for me! When I was experiencing this I didn't know it was anxiety I had no clue what it was and it drove me more anxious!!

I hear about about a whole bunch of other symptoms but never really hear about this specific symptom and was wondering if anyone else had experienced it

03-29-2012, 09:58 PM
Every time I go into a really bad panic attack I feel that way. I fear being sucked into my own mind and never being let out again. It's a very scary feeling, but mine, luckily, only last for a few minutes at a time.

03-29-2012, 10:09 PM
mine lasted for 2 weeks on the beginning and now I havent experinced it to that degree....but sometime I feel a mild sense of losing my mind because I start thinking if this will ever pass and if im going to deal with this my entire life!!

Its scaryyyy

03-30-2012, 02:53 AM
I know that feeling I get it atleast once a month. U feel like u hit rock bottom u feel like giving up like nobody can help u. I feel that right know its a scary feeling. I still cant manage it I just hope I do soon.

03-30-2012, 03:38 AM
I hadn't felt this feeling in a very long time and I actually got a taste of it tonight!!! It came out of nowhere!!! I started reading articles how you CaNT actually go crazy from anxiety it just feels like you are sometimes cause you're feeling so much on the edge

03-30-2012, 10:07 AM
isn't that feeling terrible? Probably one of the worst feelings we get as anxiety sufferers. I try to think of it like this: I got overwhelmed, my body reacted and now my brain is taking a small little step back - a vacation if you will. It always comes back from that little vacation. I think it does that in order to help YOU through and to stop all those overwhelming feelings.

03-30-2012, 11:33 AM
It's a horrible feeling lady willow I felt like that last night actually so it was ironic I had started this thread regarding that!! I just woke up and I feel a little edgy still :/