View Full Version : Hey I'm 16 and I want to get a job but . . .

01-06-2007, 04:41 AM
I bet theres much older people in here and no teens, but I RESPECT that. Anyways, I'm gonna tell you a bit of myself and my goals for this year. This year I want to get my car. Now if I want a car, I need money to pay for it. So how am I gonna make money ? Prostituting myself ? NAH. Sellin drugs ? NAH (Maybe). Working ? YES ! I want to do it but I just can't ! Im someone who was home-educated during my 8TH and high school Freshman year. I WOULD NEVER come out of the house. No friends to come visit me, NOTHING. My high school sophmore year sucked. A loner, no friends, wouldnt talk, people thought I was mentally retarded, a lot of guys pickin on me, ETC. But this year its been OK. I have friends and people I talk to BUT dont consider them my friends. But most of the time I don't get along with anyone. You can say I'm anti-social and say I have social anxiety. YOU can also say that I am sexist. I JUST HATE GIRLS. Not sayin why, but I hate them. I know I rarely have a conversation with girls unless its my sisters. But life is good. The more friends, the more they'll hurt me when they turn their back on me. Thats why I don't like being too close to people. But little friends is all I need. So now that you know this about me, do you think it would be possible for me to get a job being who I am ? ? ? Or do I have to change ?

01-06-2007, 10:58 AM
Well,I'll tell you a little bit about me. I'm 15 and I've had anxiety, panic attacks, panic disorder, and agoraphobia.I've had it since about 5th grade, maybe a little younger, can't really remember, lol.

I'm sorry you think you should change. Most jobs do want friendly people (not saying you aren't, but since you said you maybe anti-social, some people mistake that asbeing not friendly) and everything. You could maybe just be nice to the strangers and the co-workers if you get the job.

I know how you feel when you say you don't want to get too close to people just to have them pull away. That's exactly how I am. I only fully trust about 4 of my friends out of -InsertNumberHere-. But it's still people who I trust, and who trust me completly.You just have to find the right ones that you knwo you can trust.

I know you said you were find with "little friends", but having a close friend and being able to talk to them will make you feel better. It's a whole different thing coming in here and talking about a porblem then getting to know them and becoming a friend. If you decide you want a friend, I'm here. I'm here to listen too if you ever need it.


V for Victor
01-07-2007, 05:17 PM
There's more teens here than you think, including me.

I can relate to what you're saying about a fear of getting close to people because you're afraid of getting hurt.

Interestingly enough, I have no trouble making casual friends, but have a fear of becoming romantically involved with somebody for fear of getting my heart broken.

You really hate girls? Out of curiosity, are you male or female? Regardless, sexism is not a good thing, but if you're prejudiced against your own sex, that can make thing even more difficult for you.

01-08-2007, 01:37 PM
Teen or not try not to give up on the Female or Male of the Spieces, Anger at the world, Wishing people would listen and understand us, Not wanting to HAVE to be friendly. These things are part of being human but without the other human beings life would be pretty dull espeically if we all got on, thought the same and acted the same. Try to be yourself, but accept not every female is the enemy, people have a way of suprising you if you give them the chance.

Either way we're here for you even the non-teens.
