View Full Version : How do posters distract themselves?

01-06-2007, 04:28 AM
For example when I used to think I had an physical illness I used to surf the net for illnesses and this would make me feel better. Now I play games or throw my self into work, but the thoughts still come back when I stop for long enough. Just hoping people might come up with some good ideas.


01-06-2007, 09:58 AM
My list of distractions:
my pets
shopping online
a good movie

01-09-2007, 01:45 PM
Im going bad now from not working,

To much time to think! I do photography and normally try to have a relationship as i hate to be lonely. :roll:

If i end up playing pc games after playing them for awhile i seem to get really depressed maybe because i get stuck into them and dont do anything for days or realise that i need to do something as im wasting my life sitting here, I dont mind watching tv or being on the net all day but when it comes to games i will get freaked out after playing them. Its strange

I just had a bath hoping that it would kill sometime or relax me but just made me need a drink really bad but im not in the right stat of mind to say what makes me relax because at the moment im too on edge to enjoy things , And some reason im looking forward to tomorrow even though nothing is happening and hope today will just be finished with.

01-10-2007, 04:18 AM
I know how you feel, I've done the same thing with games and I've certainly felt the same way about wasting my life. But i never seem to have the energy to break the cycle. Someone once said "Never put off until tommorrow, what you can do today. Because tommorow never comes." As clever as this statement may seem I dont think the writer ever had anxiety and depression.

Try not to be too hard on yourself, the illness you have is difficult to beat and takes time to recover from. If you feel trapped try taking a walk if you are agrophobic and cant go out in public just walk around you garden fresh air will help.

Oh, and try not to take that drink its never the answer.


01-10-2007, 09:49 PM
For me:

Doing repetitive activities
Playing my walnut flute
Long walks

author, "115 Ways to Reduce Anxiety"

01-11-2007, 03:47 AM
Walnut flute? that must be like the worlds smallest flute huh? :halo:

01-11-2007, 01:39 PM
It's 19 inches long and plays beautifully. It's made of walnut wood.

01-11-2007, 02:45 PM
Tennis. Lots of tennis.

01-12-2007, 02:58 AM
MikeMarcoe - Well duh!


P.S. I hope you're talking about the flute. ;)