View Full Version : afternoon anxiety - anxiety for no reason

03-23-2012, 04:24 PM
this is my first time posting. ive suffured from anxiety from the age of 13 for about 15 years now. ive been on medication for depression over the years and tried medication for anxiety once and also tried CBT. ive quit any type of medication for over a year because i thought they would not solve my problem and i have thought about it alot. recently after thinking about all my symptoms ive came to a strong conclusion that the cause is hormonal.

ive noticed a few things recently, even if im having a good day around about 3pm i get anxiety out of nowhere, the other thing is situations that would give me a high level of anxiety can at other times feel really normal and not bother me, i find it strange that its not always consistant.

has anyone else noticed these things happening to them.

03-23-2012, 05:47 PM
hi stuart! welcome to the forum :) Have you ever had your blood sugar tested? That's a pretty normal time for your sugars to go low if you aren't eating on a regular basis. It doesn't mean your diabetic or anything, you just might be that you need to have a snack. :) I have some insulin problems (metabolic syndrome x) so I have to eat something small every 2 hours or so. If I don't my sugars go low and get anxious. That's a pretty common thing. It's also common that your symptoms don't always cause anxiety. It completely depends on how much adrenaline is in your system.

Hope this helps!

03-23-2012, 06:21 PM
I notice the same thing when my bloodsugar gets low. When I feel anxious I have no appetite anyways so often "forget" to eat. Makes my anxiety way worse. :/

03-24-2012, 05:35 AM
thanks for the replys.
i did have a blood sugar test about a year ago because sometimes i would get a sudden sugar low could be anytime of the day, if i hadnt eaten for a couple of hours, and it would just happen suddenly id feel really weak get a cold sweat and shakes and i would just know i needed sugar so id have something quickly and after a few minutes id feel fine. the blood sugar test i had was in the morning if i have one again i'll try and get an afternoon one to see if their is a difference.
also one other thing after eating junk food or something rich i feel i'll for about 15 minutes after i dont know if the means anything.

03-27-2012, 09:56 AM
I had a similiar problem, they told me my blood was fine, not sure what to do.