View Full Version : palpatations Advice needed plz

03-23-2012, 03:00 PM
Well I was having a really nice night sitting down watching TV not thinking about anything and all of a sudden my heart started thudding in my chest and it felt like it was stopping and restating again anyone else had this! What causes palpitations

03-23-2012, 03:04 PM
i have found that i can be anxious - without even knowing that i am anxious!
honestly, anxiety is a sneaky little bastard.
when i feel as though i'm on form, all fine and dandy - it's as if it pops up saying "woaahh, you aren't allowed to not be worried" and then throws something my way for me to worry about!

don't dismiss anxiety when you feel as though you aren't anxious! that is how it gets you!

hope you are feeling better :)

03-23-2012, 03:12 PM
Thanks. I'm really frightened now that there is something wrong with my heart as iid did feel like it stopped and struggled to start again ! :(

03-23-2012, 03:24 PM
i have been in your postion loads of times. i am sure there is nothing wrong with your heart. you have had tests done proving that there is nothing wrong with it :)

try and keep yourself rational - i know it is really hard! i struggle to all of the time lol

try not to worry so much. try and accept that it is just anxiety - even if you don't fully believe it. just keep telling yourself that it is just anxiety. in the meantime, distract yourself with something.
the more you focus on this, the worse it is going to be! take yourself away from it, both mentally and physically, and it has nothing to feed from - then it will just go!
you will be fine :)

03-23-2012, 03:34 PM
I had this thing when my heart just goes ba boom ba dum ba boom boom ba dum, and feels like its flip flopping in your chest since 1995. Sometimes it just does a few skips and sometimes it feels too forceful. Some days I don't get it at all. To help you feel better, I have had 3 echograms and have seen 4 cardiologists since then, and there is nothing wrong with my heart and it is totally fine. The cardiologist told me if it happens when I drink or when I exercise it does not matter and I have no cardiac risk at all.

03-23-2012, 05:53 PM
I get it all the time. I've gotten to the point where it's frustrating, but not as scary anymore. I had a bunch of tests done too. I finally had to admit the doctors were right and I was just a space-case :)