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03-22-2012, 09:19 PM
Hi my name is Dan. Im 27 and have been suffering from GAD for about 1.5 years. Im on medication. 2 types of beta blocker (atenenol & perindopril) and also an anti-depressant (citalopram). I have been coping quite well with my anxiety but of late i have been waking up during the night and early mornings feeling very fatigued and generally unwell. This has made me become anxious. I get the dreaded feeling of doom and my head goes all tight etc. I get the feeling of de-realisation which was the worst thing for me since starting to suffer from GAD. I have a few stresses in my life at the moment e.g moving house. I have tried counselling but i didn't know if it helped. I feel like I'm going to be constantly like this for the rest of my life and the worst thing for me when i get this anxiety is the feeling of losing control. Can anyone relate to this? Thanks for taking time to read this. Dan

03-22-2012, 09:24 PM
Dan! Welcome to the forum! We're all here to help! I would feel like that all the time and still feel derealization at times and I know how awful that feels...what has helped me to get a little more control of my anxiety is to live a more stress-free life...maybe you moving houses is really stressing you out so try to take it a little easy and you'll get through it....

Also check out some videos I did regarding anxiety


03-22-2012, 09:38 PM
welcome and we are here to hear each other out and that Derealization btw,makes my anxiety Sky rocket!!!!!!! :(

03-23-2012, 01:07 AM
Thanks for your support guys! :)

03-23-2012, 06:53 AM
Dan, first you might consider asking your doc about upping the celexa if you're just on 20mg or so. Also ask about a trial of lyrica(used off label for GAD) or a long acting benzo like valium, clorazepate or klonopin just for tough days. PM me any time. Alankay

03-23-2012, 02:54 PM
Thanks alankay

What type of anxiety do you suffer from?

05-16-2017, 07:09 PM
Hi, Dan, that's how i feel just started Perindopril...did it pass thanks?. Was it also high bp or Anxiety you had it prescribed for, I'm on 2mg