View Full Version : Help! I feel so strange and extremely depressed!

03-22-2012, 03:45 PM
My anxiety is constant I worry about everything. I have all kinds of anxieties like social, general, ocd. I'm usually pretty happy when my anxiety isn't too bad. It seems that whenever my anxiety/stress reaches a peak I suddenly start to feel depression feelings and thoughts on and off for the next few months or so, especially around the time of the month. I have this big fear of depression, and I tend to obsess over symptoms and the way i'm feeling. So anyway, a few months ago I had a great increase in anxiety and stress over little things. Right after that I felt depression. I was able to eventually shake it off telling myself that i'm just thinking about it too much. This month around my period I felt days of depression. A few days ago there was a huge climate change where I lived and since then I feel so weird. I can't explain. It's like I don't feel like myself at all, it feels so scary! I have these weird thoughts that don't make sense but scare me and make me feel even more depressed. It's such a scary feeling. I have intrusive thoughts about random memories that aren't traumatic, like about the summer years ago and it feels like i'm reliving them and I feel so strange.. it feels depressing to me. I never felt this way before it's scary! Are these intrusive thoughts? Am I suffering depersonalization? am I clinically depressed or is it caused by anxiety or something? what's happening to me? what can make me feel better? I want to feel like myself again, which was like a few weeks ago!

03-22-2012, 05:33 PM
hiya :)

depersonalization is a symptom of anxiety - so you could be experiencing that!
ocd, depression and anxiety bring on intrusive thoughts, so you more than likely are suffering from those!

the depression is probably coming about because of your constant worry about depression and anxiety, and the fact you aren't the way you want to be!
depression and anxiety often go hand in hand, feeding each other into a cycle.

my boyfriend has both, but his main one is depression - that sets off his anxiety.
mine is anxiety which sets off depression.
by the sounds of things, you anxiety sets off depression.

are you on any meds? or seeing some kind of therapist about this?
if not, i suggest you do one of the two - or even both at the same time :)

changes in climate can effect people too. SAD is a fine example of it!

03-24-2012, 03:12 PM
Thanks for your response! I don't see anybody i'm just afraid of going on meds and side effect and not feeling like myself. I hope these feeling will pass!

04-01-2012, 08:03 PM
My anxiety is constant I worry about everything. I have all kinds of anxieties like social, general, ocd. I'm usually pretty happy when my anxiety isn't too bad. It seems that whenever my anxiety/stress reaches a peak I suddenly start to feel depression feelings and thoughts on and off for the next few months or so, especially around the time of the month. I have this big fear of depression, and I tend to obsess over symptoms and the way i'm feeling. So anyway, a few months ago I had a great increase in anxiety and stress over little things. Right after that I felt depression. I was able to eventually shake it off telling myself that i'm just thinking about it too much. This month around my period I felt days of depression. A few days ago there was a huge climate change where I lived and since then I feel so weird. I can't explain. It's like I don't feel like myself at all, it feels so scary! I have these weird thoughts that don't make sense but scare me and make me feel even more depressed. It's such a scary feeling. I have intrusive thoughts about random memories that aren't traumatic, like about the summer years ago and it feels like i'm reliving them and I feel so strange.. it feels depressing to me. I never felt this way before it's scary! Are these intrusive thoughts? Am I suffering depersonalization? am I clinically depressed or is it caused by anxiety or something? what's happening to me? what can make me feel better? I want to feel like myself again, which was like a few weeks ago!

I hear what u r saying. I too suffer anxiety and depression. I go through anxiety and depression at the same time, usually triggered by a lot of family obligations and work related matters happening at once.

07-24-2012, 02:44 PM
My anxiety is constant I worry about everything. I have all kinds of anxieties like social, general, ocd. I'm usually pretty happy when my anxiety isn't too bad. It seems that whenever my anxiety/stress reaches a peak I suddenly start to feel depression feelings and thoughts on and off for the next few months or so, especially around the time of the month. I have this big fear of depression, and I tend to obsess over symptoms and the way i'm feeling. So anyway, a few months ago I had a great increase in anxiety and stress over little things. Right after that I felt depression. I was able to eventually shake it off telling myself that i'm just thinking about it too much. This month around my period I felt days of depression. A few days ago there was a huge climate change where I lived and since then I feel so weird. I can't explain. It's like I don't feel like myself at all, it feels so scary! I have these weird thoughts that don't make sense but scare me and make me feel even more depressed. It's such a scary feeling. I have intrusive thoughts about random memories that aren't traumatic, like about the summer years ago and it feels like i'm reliving them and I feel so strange.. it feels depressing to me. I never felt this way before it's scary! Are these intrusive thoughts? Am I suffering depersonalization? am I clinically depressed or is it caused by anxiety or something? what's happening to me? what can make me feel better? I want to feel like myself again, which was like a few weeks ago!

This definitely sounds like depersonalisation/derealisation to me. I too have weird thoughts that don't make sense and they scare me. Well they use to but you have to pay them no attention. Also the 'i don't feel like myself' is a dp/dr symptom. You'll get through it, just don't dwell on it as it'll make it worse.