View Full Version : Can't work... I really dont know what to do.

03-22-2012, 03:24 PM
I cant hold a job for very long because i really hate being in public with people around me. i need some advice on what to do.

03-22-2012, 03:59 PM
miss mac,
What is your situation? How old are you? What field would you want to work in if you could?

03-22-2012, 04:04 PM
hey, im 25 years old and i have always worked in the beauty industry. my problem is that i cant hold a job because im always leaving early because of my anxiety and phobia and i find it hard to even get a job because of my past ones. my attendance is horrible because of it.

03-23-2012, 10:10 AM
Miss Mac you will have to start trying your very hardest not to leave work and to not miss work. I know this sounds crazy, but just be there with anxiety. The more you cater to your anxiety the worse it will get. The more you carry on your normal life the better it will get. Look at it like this: The worst thing that can happen at work or in public is a panic attack. Big deal! You may get fired anyway for missing days and leaving work, so might as well just stay there and get fired for having a panic attack. Remember: being in public can not hurt you! In public or crowds is not dangerous. It is just as safe as in your home. Even more safe because people are there to help you.

If you need extra help send me a message. You can even call me if you want if you need to talk or if you can't deal with work.

03-23-2012, 11:16 AM
I'm also struggling with anxiety, which is what brought me to this site. For the last 8 months it has been OK but the last 3-4 weeks it has really flared up. My anxiety usually is related to my personal life - ie my boyfriend. I over analyze EVERYTHING and I end up creating issues where there really wasn't an issue to begin with. Today I had a panic attack so bad I had to leave work. My throat just closes up on me and I literally start shaking. I start crying and I can't stop. It doesn't help that my boyfriend doesn't really understand mental disorders - he doesn't think they are real. Anyways...what I was going to say is see if you may qualify for FMLA. I have intermitent FMLA for my anxiety so when I have a severe attack, like I did today, I don't have to also be concerned about my job security.

03-23-2012, 11:18 AM
ya know what , i am going to look that up right now thank you so much.

jon mike
03-24-2012, 05:14 AM
ya know what , i am going to look that up right now thank you so much.

Also there is nothing unique about this problem. This is a common problem. You have recognised it as anxiety so well done for that
because that is usually half the problem.
This is classic fear of your fear and can be addressed by facing up to it
as the advice above says.
What is the worst thing that can happen I mean really?
I would pay for a panic program if I was you and get it sorted.

03-24-2012, 11:40 AM
i go to therapy and we usually address the anxiety, its triggers and all that mess. but i have had it for so long that it is still a daily concen. not a moment that goes by ami not think about this ridiculous fear. i know its irrational thinking. and i need to be clear of it or i will never live. its getting a tight hold on me and is seriously driving me absolutely insane. i want it to just eff off and leave me the hell alone

jon mike
03-24-2012, 02:36 PM
At a guess I would say that the reason you want it to leave you so bad is the
reason its still there, its all about accepting it and letting it pass straight through you
like a passing thought, the more you avoid it, the more you don't want it, the more you Will
get it, invite it into your life, actually want it, you'll find the more you invite it and don't care
whether it is there or not the more it won't come. And eventually won't come at all x

03-24-2012, 03:32 PM
jon mike, when I read that i had a funny image come to my head. Anxiety is like a cat. You know how people who don't like cats always attract them? Must be the same thing. If you don't like the anxiety it comes to wind around your legs and trip you up :)

jon mike
03-24-2012, 03:59 PM
jon mike, when I read that i had a funny image come to my head. Anxiety is like a cat. You know how people who don't like cats always attract them? Must be the same thing. If you don't like the anxiety it comes to wind around your legs and trip you up :)

:-) :-) however you wanna interprete it!