View Full Version : Are you bored???

03-22-2012, 02:38 PM
Does anyone feel their anxiety comes on strong when they're bored??? I've been a stay at home mom for 15 months. Prior to this, I worked at a very fast paced high stress job. And loved it. Since I've started staying at home, I have all this time while I'm cleaning or driving kids to and from school for my mind to do nothing stimulating or intellectual. I also have a 6 month old that I'm nursing. That requires a lot of sitting, again, not what I'm used to. My anxiety has relapsed more and more since I started staying home, but even more so since the birth of my son (3rd child). Going back to work right now is out of the question since child care costs more than I'd probably make. I'm looking at 3+ years of being home and that alone gives me anxiety! I love being with my kids-they're all very happy healthy smart children. But also love having that other identity of a working woman. Sigh. Lol

03-23-2012, 12:36 AM
I get this but the opposite way around. Yep - I'm bored but with my job and the daily grind that life has become. I long to have a few months off to find myself again and decide what I want and where I want to go in life. Alot of my anxiety has stemmed from this. It's easy to say, give up your job and just do it but I have a mortgage to pay, bills to settle and commitments and it really isn't an option right now. Fancy a temporary life swap!!!!