View Full Version : what is this...

03-22-2012, 01:32 PM
lastnight - i went all funny.
my boyfriend thought i was being bitchy - but i wasn't...i was being normal to me.
i felt as thought i was pished - only i didn't have a drink.
i looked as though i was stoned - only i hadn't had a joint.
i was walking as though i was pished for a short time.
i couldn't focus.
i kept staring into space and then snapping out of it.
the pressure in my forehead was unreal. best way i can describe it was as if i was being held by my legs, and swung around really fast - so all the blood rushed there.
there was no pain - it just felt so heavy, and tight!!
my lips were going numb and tingly - the left side anyway.
my face was tingly.

earlier that day, i had an excruciating migraine - if i moved, it was terrible! especially if i bent down...i thought i was going to pass out if i bent down to pick something up for the kids.
my constant moving about with the kids and stuff caused my to be sick from the pain.
i felt a wee bit better - but no paracetemols or vomiting got rid of it.
it did fade away eventually on it's own, thank god.
don't know if that is related to my other things that happened later that night!

i have been going spacey for a few days now - constant lip tingling on and off throughout the past few days - my face is getting it more and more now.
i've noticed my shoulders feel like they're clicking every now and then randomly!
my mood is changing erratically
today my head has been twinging on and off - a headache never came thank god.
i haven't had no strange head pressure since last night - and i hope it doesn't happen again.
it has me completely baffled though.
any insight would be great :)


P.S. ever since last nights head pressure - i have not been able to stop yawning. it also made me sooooo tired, only the yawning continued through today - even when not tired. i'd say my yawns are varying between 3-8 every 10 minutes???

03-22-2012, 01:39 PM
Nothing to worry about!! .. I get those symptoms as well.. sucks huh :/

03-22-2012, 02:58 PM
oh it sucked alright! it was scary! - not so much during it, it was afterwards that it freaked me out the most.
i've never experienced something as intense as that before - especially the head pressure. it felt as though my forehead was filling up with water and could explode at any moment!

03-22-2012, 07:08 PM
Agreed with kev, I've had this too the past few days, and I actually had to leave work today because it got so bad. I hate that head pressure, especially when I gives me the nausea too.

03-22-2012, 07:30 PM
Those are some symptoms you can experience with anxiety especially the spacey part so dont worry about it to much....

www.youtube.com/user/jeremyfresno my anxiety video

03-22-2012, 10:57 PM
another vote for kev. sounds like a craptastic migrane to me. I get like that too. In fact, had one this afternoon. I tend to lose partial vision in one of my eyes, though (aura). And when that happens, watch out! Anxiety city! Which, of course, just makes it worse.

And don't worry about the yawning, I yawn all the time when my anxiety is bad. I had someone at work one time ask me if I partied all night every night because I would come in and yawn all day :)

03-22-2012, 10:58 PM
OH - and the shoulder thing - when your tense your jaw, neck, shoulders get all bunched up. It's just because of that! I get the same thing :)

03-23-2012, 12:41 AM
Yep - had exactly the same thing yesterday. Pressure in my head still there today but nowhere near as bad. You described it perfectlly - feels like your head is filling up and about to explode. I honestly thought I was about to pass out or die yesterday.... but I'm still here! xx

03-23-2012, 08:35 AM
thank you all for your reassurance!
ive worried for ages that ive had some form of epilepsy or something, ever since i found myself feeling as though i had been electrocuted. my whole body was jumping all over. the doctors just dismissed it , and so i just ignored it.
but my computer gaming - i find if im on it for a long period of time - i end up all shaky and feeling weird. but i know anybody can feel like that through it!
just got all panicky after the other days episode thinking i definitely was epileptic or something lol.

the whole migraine thing makes sense though. especially since i had had one earlier that day!

it all came about because i went 4 hours without a cup of tea! haha this is why i panic when im short of tea bags!

03-23-2012, 08:36 AM
oh and kev - as for the sinus thing. ... im always having sinus problems! so that makes sense too

thanx again everyone :)