View Full Version : Fear

03-22-2012, 07:58 AM
I am Joanne, 32yrs old having anxiety for more then 10yrs, till now I am still having attack every now and then, especially during in the night, what I had is only attack,
Although I know is my aniexty but every time I can't face it n every time is like end of my life, every now and then I had shortness of breath or numb in my body, I will rush to A&E as I scare is heart attack, recently I feel headache and giddy for a few days, I am on lexapro and therapy treatment but some how it still can't help n I am still rushing to hospital, I am really very sad n depress cos of this anxiety, I really want to get rid of all this, I just can't keep my mind off all this, my friends will console me but what I can say is nobody will know how I feel or what types of symptoms I had gone through, only those who had it will understand, I know my friends meant good, but saying and doing are different, it really very hard to get rid of it, head will be very heavy and heart racing, all over my body will be in pain, even any part of my body got signal of pain I will be anxiety, is my life, hope everyone of here be happy!!!!!

03-22-2012, 10:45 AM
I am somewhat the same the second my anxiety kicks in my heart races I swear something is going numb and I will die of a heart attack, I go to the hospital cause I cant help the fear that something is wrong with me. I understand what you are going through it is hard. My husband is always telling me it is all in my head... Which I already know I feel bad enough that I cant control my thoughts... Im here if you ever need to talk.

03-23-2012, 10:58 AM
Sometime is really hard, my husband also told me that, during in the night is the worse, out of a sudden even not thinking also will have attack

03-23-2012, 11:19 AM
It makes it harder when those closest to us don't understand our anxiety - because comments like "it's all in your head" just tend to make things worse. It doesn't help when you are already feeling crazy to be told you are crazy. My boyfriend is the same way - he just doesn't understand my anxiety attacks at all. He doesn't think anxiety is a real issue and he doesn't handle them well. So it ends up being a vicious cycle.

03-24-2012, 04:22 AM
Sometime we really need someone close to us to understand how we feel but doesn't seem as that, they will only think we are crazy not even a sense of concern, sometimes I feel rather sad when others think that we are crazy, but we are not