View Full Version : They're Back!

03-22-2012, 06:11 AM
My night jerks are back with a vengeance! This is what causes me the most anxiety so you can imagine how I'm feeling. I went to bed early last night to relax and chill out and it seemed to work. Felt very calm and very relaxed and they still happened - I have no control over them and they scare the crap out of. Happened a few times before finally getting to sleep only to be woken about 5am by a huge adrenaline rush to my head. More worrying is that I was wide awake and my hand just jerked on it's own! Have continued to twitch/jerk on/off all day. Doctor tells me they are down to high anxiety and stress which I know and am accepting of that but anxious me says 'it's not normal'. I am physically and mentally exhausted. xx

03-26-2012, 07:01 AM
I get these ALL the time.

Valium makes them worse and guess what? Doctors can't actually explain what causes them. They're called hypnic (sp?) jerks and many people experience them in their life time.

I'm sorry I can't help you with this, but you aren't alone. Mine have been escalating over the past few nights and are awful. I'm anxious about going to bed and I LOVE my sleep!