View Full Version : Anxiety at nights

03-21-2012, 08:35 PM
So I wanna know... how many of you guys get ur anxiety when the sun goes down?? I assume my anxiety gets bad at nights because at night was when I had trouble going to sleep and that spinning sensation when I layed down.. I still have those symptoms but I tend to control them a little better... anyway how many of you guys get anxiety at its best at nights? :)

03-21-2012, 09:19 PM
My anxiety gets worse at night. My husband works until midnight and I hate the feeling of being alone at night. By the time he comes home I'm already so anxious and then I have trouble sleeping

03-21-2012, 09:38 PM
I do :( iv been to sleep about 10 times tonight for about 5-10mins then waking up in distress and fear. My heart races my stomach feels swollen and I feel so out of control all I can do is sob. How can I be afraid when I'm asleep?? I wake up and tell myself every time its fine and I believe myself and attempt to sleep all over again, each time now though the believing is weaker. I feel iv lost control.

I have no Idea what to do? I use to depend on Sleeping tablets or Valium/Tramadol, alcohol, skunk all with anti depressants.

I have never felt so alone like I have for the last year so I went to my first Narcotics anonymous meeting last night to help me not to depend on any sleeping aids to help me sleep as I use to use medication to suppress my anxiety. My stomach pains became so bad that last Friday I had a camera in my stomach to help see if there is something wrong with me, I though ulcer or something gastric, That is how painful the panic attacks have become.

Where to go from here?? is beyond me I am now cold turkey with no sleeping aid or anti depressant. This is hard now, how do I be a mother a girlfriend, a worker and to top it all off I have a show in 4 weeks to perform for 1 week. Ops overload.

I hope you all cure your anxiety I am trying very hard. But I am at rock bottom now, so I guess the only way is up :) I feel better to know I'm not totally alone, thank you for your honesty.

Clara x

03-21-2012, 10:41 PM
I'm only 26 and sometimes I don't understand why this happends to me... Why is happening to us!..... :(

03-21-2012, 11:55 PM
Forwells your awesome!! Thanks :) WE WILL ALL GET BETTER!!! :)

03-27-2012, 03:10 AM
I do :( iv been to sleep about 10 times tonight for about 5-10mins then waking up in distress and fear. My heart races my stomach feels swollen and I feel so out of control all I can do is sob. How can I be afraid when I'm asleep?? I wake up and tell myself every time its fine and I believe myself and attempt to sleep all over again, each time now though the believing is weaker. I feel iv lost control.

I have no Idea what to do? I use to depend on Sleeping tablets or Valium/Tramadol, alcohol, skunk all with anti depressants.

I have never felt so alone like I have for the last year so I went to my first Narcotics anonymous meeting last night to help me not to depend on any sleeping aids to help me sleep as I use to use medication to suppress my anxiety. My stomach pains became so bad that last Friday I had a camera in my stomach to help see if there is something wrong with me, I though ulcer or something gastric, That is how painful the panic attacks have become.

Where to go from here?? is beyond me I am now cold turkey with no sleeping aid or anti depressant. This is hard now, how do I be a mother a girlfriend, a worker and to top it all off I have a show in 4 weeks to perform for 1 week. Ops overload.

I hope you all cure your anxiety I am trying very hard. But I am at rock bottom now, so I guess the only way is up :) I feel better to know I'm not totally alone, thank you for your honesty.

Clara x

I'm having trouble falling asleep too due to anxiety; anyways yes your not alone in this remember your never the only alien on the planet. I hope your anxiety/ sensations get better I how we can all overcome this sensations (I did for almost6months n just recently have come back, but this time I'm ready for it; I know now anxiety is just bodily sensations that we can cure control ourselves; I know anxiety has never kill anyone and is a very treatable condition :) well good luck!

03-27-2012, 03:19 AM
I'm only 26 and sometimes I don't understand why this happends to me... Why is happening to us!..... :(

I'm also 26, I used to feel the same way. I been suffering from anxiety for abut a year; went almost 6 months anxiety free it just recently coming back and very intense. But now I don't fear it; now I don't cry to myself thinking why me? Now I know anxiety is not a real threat is just In our minds, is just sensations we feel; what really work got me was reading a book call "panic go away" I think I'm going to read it again tomorrow. Anyways that book tough me a lot; we are stronger because we have to deal with this anxiety while managing to live our daily life's :) we were chosen because we are strong and we can overcome this; n when we do overcome it we will learn how powerful we are and we will have the confidence to overcome anything else in life. Just remember anxiety has never kill anyone and be happy that your not suffering from a real disses such as cancer, we need to be grateful got what we have and keep good positive thoughts in our heads :) I know is not easy but stay strong, remember "your not the only alien on the planet" :) Good luck!

03-27-2012, 10:01 AM
Work on a regular sleep schedual, and have a before bed ritual.

03-27-2012, 10:56 AM
I dread nights...my 7 month old only sleeps for 1-1/2 hours at a time before he wants to nurse. Sometimes I wonder if my acute lack of sleep is triggering my anxiety. I'm sure it doesn't help! I'd love to sleep and I sure could. But in the eves even tho I'm tired, I can't sleep till 10pm at least cuz I know I'll be up in just a bit anyways. Then I'm up at 6am to get the other 2 off to school. Aye aye aye...

03-27-2012, 04:20 PM
Wow, Esme! Thanks for those thoughts.. I
Sure all of us re very strong persons indeed... :)

Angela Hill
03-27-2012, 05:09 PM
I'm only 26 and sometimes I don't understand why this happends to me... Why is happening to us!..... :(

I am 26 too! I also wonder why the hell it has happened to me, I have been dealing with it for 5 years, my anniversary of my first attack was on Mar. 23. I was 21 when this happened to me, and it has only gotten worse and worse. There has to be something in the water for all us young people to be dealing with this. I know a girl who just turned 20 and has just been diagnosed agoraphobic. It's crazy!

I deal with a lot of anxiety at night, too. I used to have anxiety at night when I was younger, because I had trouble sleeping so I always got nervous around night time, because being the only one awake in your house is creepy when you're 12-13 yrs old. I also have anxiety around dinner time, because when I was younger and did something I shouldn't have, sitting at the table with my family was torture dealing with the guilt! So, I think that's why these times effect me, but also because I have anxiety bad in the morning so going to bed, while nice because I don't have to deal with anything anymore, is stressful because I never know what the next morning will be like.

03-28-2012, 06:50 AM
I'm the same! My anxiety is so bad at night I dread going to bed and delay by watching any crappy show I can find on tele. I've been this way for years but try to push it aside because I have 2 young children and I'm so exhausted all the time. Doesn't help when my husband travels for work which is becoming increasingly often.

03-28-2012, 07:20 AM
I struggle at night times too because i am afraid at times I am not going to wake up and/or the next day is going to be lousy.