View Full Version : anxiety in shopping mall

03-21-2012, 09:00 AM
Yesterday I was out shopping and I asked the shop assistant to put an item by while I went to the atm. I got a few yards away from the atm and two men approched me and asked me to return back to the store with them.

I kindly asked what it was regarding and they said they do not know, we have just been asked to escort you back to the store.

I returned back to the store and the lady in the store in her own words accused me of stealing and asked security to search me.

Security told me to admit to it and "we wont call the police"

They asked to see inside my bags and my jeans pocket ,I cooperate becuase I had done nothing wrong, they found nothing ,they appologized.

I walked back in to town to get some lunch and I sat down on eat lunch and had a bad anxiety attack. I was in tears on the phone to my friend who comforted me.

I found it difficult to settle down last night.
I emailed the company today with a complaint and they responded very quickly and are investigating the incident.

03-21-2012, 12:44 PM
im sorry sarah, thats a really bad situation, but be calm and my advise for you is dont forget and complain.

03-21-2012, 12:50 PM
that must have been horrible for you! it happened to my mam once, she got frisked by security guards and never ever went back to that place!

you have to remember, they were only doing their job - going the complete wrong way about it though! i'm not saying they weren't bastards, because they were with the way they handled it!

i'm just saying that so you don't keep replaying it over and over in your head.
anxiety will keep you gripped on it, and it is the anxiety feeling what makes you want to avoid the same situation again - not the security guards!

you done the right thing complaining! i hope your mind has eased off the whole situation now!
please don't let that situation put you off going back there! xx

03-21-2012, 03:05 PM
I managed to stay calmer today, I have anxiety tonight but I am not going to let the symptoms scare me like they usually do.

Just laying down trying to relax. Thank you for your kind words.

I am glad I complained to, I wass so shaken by the whole thing ,that yesterday I could not face complaining but its all done now and the managers are looking in to what happened.

I know they have a tough job to do ,but at the time there should be ways of handling things in a sensitive manor.

03-21-2012, 04:12 PM
definitely! i think security guards have a tendancy to go on power trips. thinking they are like police officers and stuff.
same with bouncers. they all need knocked down a peg or two i think.
wey, not all, but you know what i mean. alot of them are power hungry!

03-21-2012, 04:17 PM
I know what you mean. Feeling really worryed and anxious tonight. I had shooting pains and my anxious mind thinks something bad is happening.

03-21-2012, 04:19 PM
HI sarahbeth. I'm sorry to hear you had a rough time. That would have sent me right round the bend! But then again, I think it would have made anybody upset, anxiety or no. Good work on the relaxing tonight and trying to not let your feelings scare you!