View Full Version : exercise question

03-21-2012, 06:24 AM
Hey everybody, I have a question in regards to exercise.

I will start by saying that I have been an active person most of my life, I am have been a martial artist, I used to race bicycles, and have worked a very physical job. My physical activity has been very low the last few years, I've been working jobs where I just sit around and don't do anything physical. I have also not been exercising.

This time last year I started mountain biking, and didn't really have any issues, I would get my heart pounding and panting breath, but a little water and a little rest and I was fine, no bad reactions. In July last year my anxiety hit, this was the start of all my anxiety issues and it was accompanied by chest pains, so of course I stopped all physical activity, stopped mountain biking and did nothing but sit around. A few months after this all started I figured that I would get back to exercising, so I started to do karate again after the first time I did it, I felt wonderful just absolutely great! I worked out for a few weeks with good results, but I ended up getting bronchitis and had to stop. I did not work out for over a month.

I have tried several times to start working out again, but whenever I do I get this burning sensation in my chest, and a headache. I even worked out this morning, same thing. I have also noticed that since all the anxiety started I feel weak, I really can't seem to

03-21-2012, 06:31 AM
I hit send before I was ready... Oops.


I can't seem to get my strength and endurance, I get tired really quickly and seem to get shaking legs at times. I also hurt and I really feel tight all over. I'm really not sure what's going on, but it is just not working for me.

My question is, what do you guys do? I know I'm out of shape from months of doing nothing, and I smoke but I don't understand why all of a sudden I just can't exercise. The only thing I can think of is that I am not working out hard enough, I know for a cardio workout you have to be within your target heart rate for at least 20 minutes, I am not doing this, not even close I feel like I just can't do it. I usually just stretch and then spend maybe a couple minutes on the stationary bike, or do some pushups and that's about it.

I have lost about 50 pounds in the past year from diet, I haven't done any exercise for that weight loss, which adds to my confusion as I could workout better when I was heavier???

Anyway, any help, tips, suggestions???

03-21-2012, 09:00 AM
I run and have for 30 years and also try to lift for weights. You need to gradually increase the amount and intensity of your exercise so you'll become conditioned to it. Too much, too soon, your body will rebel until you moderate it. If you can't hit your time intensity goal(s), scale back and work up to it gradually. Alankay

03-21-2012, 01:12 PM
I to cannot work out anymore. I feel weak in my arms and legs. I can't even put my arms over my head anymore without feeling as if I'm going to pass out. The shakes are in my arms but not my legs...I'm interested to see who else has this.

03-21-2012, 06:25 PM
That's so funny I ran into this post because I have been wanting to go and workout and take a jog but scared that my anxiety might get triggered! Last time I ran I had a panic attack about 2 months ago and maybe I'm just paranoid that may happen again..I know I'm not suppose to think that and should challenge myself but it's a bit scary since I run by myself....I used to be real active but have stopped due to anxiety...
Any suggestions??



03-21-2012, 06:32 PM
You are not alone on this guys!! I myself is struggling to go back to the gym.. I haven't been active for over4months and I was always in the gym 24/7!! I'm just scared if I go back I will triggered my dizziness and stomach pains I used to feel before.. :/

03-21-2012, 06:44 PM

Yes!!! The dizziness is what scares me that I may collapse!! Then again exercise is good to produce endorphins which is natures natural anti-depressants! We have to get out there and just do it!!

03-21-2012, 08:36 PM
Yes we must Jeremy!!! :0)

03-22-2012, 04:52 AM
Agreed with you guys, like Alan said, we should just ease into it and work out way up.

03-22-2012, 08:27 AM
I hit send before I was ready... Oops.


I can't seem to get my strength and endurance, I get tired really quickly and seem to get shaking legs at times. I also hurt and I really feel tight all over. I'm really not sure what's going on, but it is just not working for me.

My question is, what do you guys do? I know I'm out of shape from months of doing nothing, and I smoke but I don't understand why all of a sudden I just can't exercise. The only thing I can think of is that I am not working out hard enough, I know for a cardio workout you have to be within your target heart rate for at least 20 minutes, I am not doing this, not even close I feel like I just can't do it. I usually just stretch and then spend maybe a couple minutes on the stationary bike, or do some pushups and that's about it.

I have lost about 50 pounds in the past year from diet, I haven't done any exercise for that weight loss, which adds to my confusion as I could workout better when I was heavier???

Anyway, any help, tips, suggestions???

If you weren't doing any strength training while losing weight along with increased protein intake you probably lost some serious lean muscle mass along with the fat. Also, if you were active while heavier, and haven't been active in the last 6 months-1 year, your cardio suffered. Losing "weight" doesn't mean you're going to be in better shape. Chances are you're far weaker than before.

In regards to your headache -- it's perfectly normal. Happens to plenty of people while exercising. Unfortunately, like everything else there could potentially be less common causes that are more serious. If you're concerned visit the doctor (No ER visits necessary), and have a physical done before starting an exercise program (conventional wisdom).

03-22-2012, 07:43 PM
aerobic exercise, slow and easy working your way up to 30 minutes oe whatever your goal is. Strength conditioning second after several weeks of aerobic conditioning. Use light weights and perfect form. I recommend a circuit where you work out all major nuscles groups.

Exercise has been absolutely imperative in controlling my anxiety!!

Good luck to all-- slow and easy and never give up!!!!!!!

03-23-2012, 10:15 AM
I struggled big time to go to the gym too. What I did was yoga 2-3 days a week for a few months. Then I started lifting weights again and doing cardio but started off very light and worked my way up. I started with benching just the bar. Then every time I added a little more weight. Cardio started light on the bikes, then increased intensity and time as time progressed. Pretty soon I was hitting the weights hard and doing a great sweaty cardio workout.

Little by little!

03-23-2012, 01:07 PM
funny to read this thread....but sad at the same time that i can totally understand where you guys are coming from.

i love working out and exercising but last week i scared myself into an anxiety attack AT THE GYM....im in good shape and never got scared to this point...

i hopped on the tread mill, started running and 10 minutes into the run i saw some guy on television who had a heart attack or something......and i got so scared for myself that i freaked out and literally left the gym right away......it sucked because i never really did that before where i had to run out of the gym.

im a grown 31 year old with a good life (aside from anxiety) and this stuff actually happened.........

my intentions are to go to the gym tonight and fight this......

03-24-2012, 02:33 AM
I struggle with this same issue after suffering an awful attack after interval running on the beach on a gorgeous day. It has really messed with me, but I am trying to stay on top of things.

I interval run a 5.5km loop around my home that gives me a number of safe routes home in less than 10 minutes if I do feel the anxiety, dizziness or fatigue setting in. This proved valuable when I was stung by a bee last week and freaked out because I couldn't get the stinger out (got stung on the breast after the bee hit my chest and fell into my bra!!), I was home in 5 min, icing up and googling anaphylaxis...

Anyway, when I'm feeling a bit delicate before a run, I take my faithful (but lazy) canine companion. The company helps and most of the time he seems to like it!

03-24-2012, 05:36 AM
I was home in 5 min, icing up and googling anaphylaxis...

Isn't it horrible how we do this to ourselves?

Also I just wanted to mention that after the first day of trying to work out again went so badly I'm happy to say that the second day went really well, I pushed myself a bit more and got my heart and respiratory rate up, then did a proper cool down and I felt great! I hope it continues like that, if the darn stuffy head from my allergies would go away I would be doing great.

03-24-2012, 09:49 PM
I know - I'm a shocker, but I hadn't been stung by a bee before and from seeing swelling occur on people that I have, I freaked out that the sting close to my neck would swell grotesquely. Sadly, other than a lot of itchiness, I didn't even go up a cup size!

My GP has told me that exercise is one of the best things I can do to naturally release endorphins. I just need to make sure I'm aware of my limits so I don't push myself past that point of hyperventilation, which will nearly always bring on acute symptoms or an attack.
