View Full Version : A little mad!

03-21-2012, 05:02 AM
So, I had a doctor appointment this morning because I've been feeing so crappy these past few days. Went into detail about how I was feeling, symptoms - blah, blah, blah! Reassured that I had anxiety and given some options about how we go forward - sorted! Going back, I had some bloods done 3 weeks ago and had to push for the results but was finally left a message on my answer phone giving the all clear and 'generally' nothing to worry about. To me the way the message was left, it didn't sound very reassuring but they're the experts and I thought no more of it. So today out of interest I asked about my bloods and what they tested for and results. Everything was clean...... except..... my blood sugar level was unusually high! Why wasn't I told this? why was this not followed up? why were more bloods not ordered? Apparantly this can be an early sign of diabetis and although I'm not saying I have that, some of my symptoms (dizziness, weakness, headaches, blurred vision) can be a symptom and needs to be monitored. I had some issues with blood sugar last year (nearly passed out) and my sugar levels were borderline. I now have to go back for bloods next week to see if the results come back with similar or different readings. I know I suffer with anxiety but alot of that has been attributed to my health lately and not feeling 'right'! I'm just astonished that I wasn't passed on this info and it wasn't followed up immediately. Sorry - just needed to vent! xx

03-21-2012, 06:45 AM
I didn't know any of that Kev - thank you. I will read up.
The day I had the bloods done and even days prior to that I wasn't anxious or panicky at all so not sure if/how that would affect the reading. I'll follow it up with more bloods anyway (just as a caution) and go from there. Enjoy your nice warm bed :snore: xx