View Full Version : New here and hoping im not alone with my feelings

03-20-2012, 09:12 PM
So for the past 4 yrs ( started before my second son was born) Ive felt like im constantly struggaling to breath (cant get enough air in), feel off balance n just not myself. It is worse when im in close quarters with ppl such as in the car, at the dinner table (anywhere someone might pick up on me struggaling to get a breath) this includes even being w my husband. Im more relaxed when on my own but i still struggle w it in a diff sense. My boys are 3 & 5 and this is ruining my life!! Had been on zoloft n had ativan for major attacks but felt like it wasnt helping. Havent been on any meds now for about a year. Tried counseling as well n they thought i was fine! Please tell me im not the only one going through this for soo long!!

jon mike
03-21-2012, 11:08 AM
So for the past 4 yrs ( started before my second son was born) Ive felt like im constantly struggaling to breath (cant get enough air in), feel off balance n just not myself. It is worse when im in close quarters with ppl such as in the car, at the dinner table (anywhere someone might pick up on me struggaling to get a breath) this includes even being w my husband. Im more relaxed when on my own but i still struggle w it in a diff sense. My boys are 3 & 5 and this is ruining my life!! Had been on zoloft n had ativan for major attacks but felt like it wasnt helping. Havent been on any meds now for about a year. Tried counseling as well n they thought i was fine! Please tell me im not the only one going through this for soo long!!

Hey, hope your well? Of course your not on your own with it! It was one of my biggest fears/ panic/worry whatever it was amongst all the other things that pile on top of you with anxiety, I basically had the feeling all the time I couldn't grab enough air and needed that feeling like you've added enough to the balance for a couple of seconds, I used to make myself sneeze/yawn/cry anything to get an extra gulp!! It's all absolute nonsense obviously, like I say overcome mine, I had counselling and CBT helped me through it actually, if you can't do it yourself get help don't waste your life with it! At least by a book on cbt or get one of those programs, the programs basically tells you to let go because so what? sounds daft and very unconvincing because you feel like you can't fool yourself, it amazed me how quickly I recovered from it all after 15 years of hell I recomend these to you anyway, let me know if you got questions, good luck!! :-)

03-21-2012, 11:58 AM

I am Joanne, I been having aniexty for more then 10yrs, is really hard to go through for all this years, I am on lexapro, but all this years not changing at all,
Everytime when having attack I will rush to A&E, but all this is only my panic attack but I can't face the fact, is like doom coming to me whenever I
Had the attack, I really feel very sad and tired, now over here I know that I am not alone, how I wish I can be a normal woman who don't have all this,

03-21-2012, 12:34 PM
hello im having panic/anxiety for over 10 years im taking medication but sometimes im really not ok, believe me you are not alone :(