View Full Version : Nausea with AD's??

03-20-2012, 05:09 PM
ok so I started back on my AD's at the end of January. A few days after starting them again I started getting nauseous a few hours after i had taken it. and its still happening. Makes my anxiety a bit worse because of my phobia of vomiting. I am seriously thinking about stopping them. The only time im not nauseous is when i eat... ok i seriously cannot eat all day long so im not nauseous lol.

Does this happen to anyone else?!?! HELP ME!!!

Claire :-D

03-20-2012, 05:46 PM
ahh i had one today to try and sort my depression out - thinking my appointment isn't coming i took matters into my own hand with my old stash of citolapram ha
anyway, within an hour or so i was feeling soooooooo sick!(i wasn't though). it says though that symptoms like that usually pass within a few days - most 2 weeks! try and stick it out and not worry about it so much. i know you have your phobia, so it must be hard, but just try and manage it a few extra days and see how you get on xx

03-20-2012, 05:50 PM
i know but its been two months anddd its not letting up at all!! ahh i dont no man, i take citalopram too aka celexa :-(

03-20-2012, 05:52 PM
Hello I administer medication for my job so have to do alot of reading up.....pretty much every medication supplied will always say may possibly have a side affect of feeling nauseous or actually vomiting so is quite common, my advice to you would be to inform the doctor who prescribed the medication that you still feel nauseous whilst taking this medication as you have been on it long enough that your body should be use to it as it does take some time. The doctor may be able to write you a new script for a different dose or maybe a different brand. Don't take yourself off of this medication as with AD's you are suppose to wean off of them unless advices differently by a GP

03-20-2012, 06:04 PM
2 months. ha just noticed you said the end of jan!! hmm. emily is right, the side effects should have subsided by now.
i would also suggest going to your doctors to see what he can do. he might be able to give you an extra med to help with the nausea or change your dosage.
thanx for the lesson there, i've always wondered what celexa was when you guys mentioned it!

03-20-2012, 06:04 PM
Yep, try another AD if you still have that. Zoloft or fluoxetine are what I would try. One might not effect you that way. Alankay

03-20-2012, 06:23 PM
thanks guys. i think my doc wants to put me on zoloft. we talked about it a few weeks ago, butt she is on vacation till th25th or something. ahhh i hate this crap man! my anxiety is doing pretty good, this is really my only problem..